woensdag 22 mei 2024

Birdstone – The Devil



Birdstone – The Devil

We saw it arrive through Shake Promotion and immediately fell in love with this bluesy rocker and the jazz age video. We’re talking about the first single The Devil by French trio Birdstone, which will be featured on their new album The Great Anticipation, coming out June 14th on La Cage. Bluesy and soulful, but equally powerful and imploring a bit of that stoner trucking to propel the track forward or let it speed through the scenery. It has everything you could fall in love with… In love with The Devil!

From the PR Wire:

French heavy rock/blues trio BIRDSTONE unleash details on their upcoming album 'The Great Anticipation' - out June 14th via La Cage. They also reveal the brilliant new track "The Devil". Follow the golden dust...

BIRDSTONE unite the soulful energy of blues with the power and richness of heavy rock. Combining arid melancholy and sticky riffs, the shining three-piece move with disconcerting ease between ethereal atmospheres, dramatic tensions and impetuous climaxes. Their new record 'The Great Anticipation' draws inspiration from blues, soul and rock music with this precision and determination of theirs, in the vein of bands like The Black Angels, Greenleaf or The Devil and the Almighty Blues. New extract “The Devil'' represents evil as a saving force. A cappella bluegrass-infused introduction opens an intense song. Watch previous videos "Hotline" and "Méandres".

BIRDSTONE comment about their new track: " "The Devil" - third and final single from Birdstone's new chapter - carries on the salvific creative momentum inaugurated by the release of "Hotline" on November 17th, followed by "Méandres" on March 1st, 2024. Written and recorded in a few days only, "The Devil" illustrates the impulsive need to compose that animated the conception of this new opus. What if the devil were to offer to stay by your side? "The Devil" takes a fresh look at the pact; the evil is represented here as a saving force. There are no contracts on offer, just a promise of emancipation and rebellion."




Shake Promotion

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