With the impossible title As High as the Highest Heavens and from the Center to the Circumference of the Earth the Texas trio called True Widow released their second album onto the world. Their moody mix of psychedelic grunge, shoegaze, sludge, doom and slowcore has been blotted together under their preferred moniker: stonegaze. With guitargravel, dreamy vocals and heavy basslines they paint a cold and desolate landscape which is still inviting enough to get lost in. With hypnotic precision they confuse and enchant. It is not so much an ode to the almighty riff but an ode to the tone and the note. And where their first record True Widow from 2008 was leaning a bit too much on the element of surprise and discovery; is As High… in every way conceivable performed with downright more sensibility, cleverness, heaviness and with epic fingerspitzengefühl. A truly wonderful record for the turtle genre…
9 uur geleden
True Widow. Good stuff!