On this last day of Christmas, errr, I mean Dutch Courage Month, we visit the best album that has been released so far this year. Three cheers for Shaking Godspeed and their second full-sized album called Hoera! (Hoera! Hoera! Hoera!) Their self-titled EP blew everyone away in 2010 and their first complete record Awe left everyone wondering in amazement where this greatness originated from and where it might lead. Well, the trio has struck again. This time they decided to mold and compress their musical madness into some kind of pop structure. Their wild and savage sound is brilliantly combined with something bittersweet and lusciously deceiving. It is raw and feral blues mingled with psychedelic and kaleidoscopic garage without becoming too heavy, plump or unmanageable. Progressive free rock like the good Captain used to make. But condensed and with an obvious intent; a resolute to inspire, enchant and ravish like only a pure masterpiece can do. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
woensdag 29 februari 2012
Shaking Godspeed – Hoera
On this last day of Christmas, errr, I mean Dutch Courage Month, we visit the best album that has been released so far this year. Three cheers for Shaking Godspeed and their second full-sized album called Hoera! (Hoera! Hoera! Hoera!) Their self-titled EP blew everyone away in 2010 and their first complete record Awe left everyone wondering in amazement where this greatness originated from and where it might lead. Well, the trio has struck again. This time they decided to mold and compress their musical madness into some kind of pop structure. Their wild and savage sound is brilliantly combined with something bittersweet and lusciously deceiving. It is raw and feral blues mingled with psychedelic and kaleidoscopic garage without becoming too heavy, plump or unmanageable. Progressive free rock like the good Captain used to make. But condensed and with an obvious intent; a resolute to inspire, enchant and ravish like only a pure masterpiece can do. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Dutch Courage,
Shaking Godspeed,
The Bloody Honkies
Cowboys And Aliens – Sandpaper Blues Knockout

Cowboys And Aliens – Sandpaper Blues Knockout
Self released / Dice Industries – 2012
Rated: *****
Before we get to the final post of the Dutch Courage Month we will linger a bit longer in beautiful Belgium. For after a period of seven years the magical Cowboys And Aliens finally treat us to four new tunes. The band left us reeling after their fourth full-sized album Language Of Superstars from 2005 when they announced a year later to call it quits. It took four years and a twisted and weird night in a bar filled with insane memories and tall tales to convince each other that the world was still in need of their heavy riffing. So in 2011 they decided to give humanity what it had been longing for all this time. Kyuss-esque, Hermano-type stoner that rolls over you like a freight train on a serious mission. To deliver its rock payload full force and full power into your brainstem and bursting heart. With less wit then before and with a more earnest purpose; the foursome deliver four tracks filled with the promised masterful riffs, thunderous drums and imperial basswork! The Cowboys are back in town!
Cowboys And Aliens,
Dutch Courage,
dinsdag 28 februari 2012
The Mooze Men – The Mooze Men
We stay in lovely Belgium today and we get loud and we get fast; and that’s just the way we like it. The Mooze Men delivered their first four-track EP back in 2008 and filled it to the rim with incredibly catchy speedrock, garage and pure unadulterated rock’n roll. Their simple but catchy riffs are tasty as hell and borderline awesome. They honor the tradition like Motörhead and Peter Pan Speedrock did before them; but incorporate a lot more breathing space without taking their feet from the pedal. Add to this their grimy garage feel in the vein of Gluecifer and an American groove we know of bands like Danko Jones and you get happy real fast. Back in those champagne days there were only three mutant Mooze Men, nowadays it’s a quartet and new material is on the horizon. So let’s speed up and drive full throttle towards that blistering hot sun a get a new tank of Mooze Men rock…
Dutch Courage,
The Mooze Men
maandag 27 februari 2012
The Minority Print – Down Memory Lane

The Minority Print – Down Memory Lane
Self released – 2012
Rock, Punk, Hard, Metal, Stoner
Rated: ***
From the dark and twisted streets of Sint-Niklaas, Belgium comes a four piece rock outfit that can just as easily write catchy punk tunes as heavy hard rocking anthems. As they have proven with their first EP Beyond All Doubt from 2011 and their new three track Down Memory Lane. And then to think that The Minority Print has only been around since 2010. But the Belgian folk noticed their aptitude fast for they have already played on Marktrock Leuven and even on the Graspop Metal Meeting. They take their cues from the likes of Foo Fighters and Danko Jones; but mix this up with some old school hardrock we know from the eighties, punk we heard in the nineties and a little ageless metal twist. And loaded within their easy and agreeable sound is a set of balls to pull of some splendid guitar-lines and top-notch solos. Not to mention some massive hard-hitting drums interchanged with incredibly airy percussion. Conclusion: this is some tasty energetic rock served in tidy portions. Enjoy your meal!
Dutch Courage,
The Minority Print
Towtruck – Smoke
Hellevoetsluis is known for a couple of weird ass punk bands and an incredible spot to do some kitesurfing. But it has also spawned a heavy stoner company you can call whenever you are in trouble called Towtruck. Founded in 2006 and formed by members of a truckload of other rock efforts, the guys immediately got to work on their own material. Their five track EP Smoke was recorded in 2008 and released the following year. The record is mostly filled with mean melodic and rude stoner that reminds of other Dutchies like Celestial Season and 7Zuma7. But also of more groovy stuff like Fu Manchu. Although the middle effort Hoax Pocus is situated more in the old school doom field. Since the release however the drummer and singer left and were replaced by new faces. At the end of 2011 we were informed that new tracks were finished and that they only needed a little studio time to get them on tape. And apparently January 2012 was selected to enter said studio. Let’s hope they’ll be able to release their stuff soon; cause we could use a good tow!
Dutch Courage,
Wolfpin – Remember
On this sick and twisted Monday morning in the last week of the Dutch Courage Month we visit the grimy bluesrockers from Amsterdamn called Wolfpin. A powertrio featuring Marcel Scherpenzeel, Maarten Witsel and Henk Schutten. Three old blues souls that know where to steal the mustard and what to cook up with it. It’s heavy retro laden blues is filled with pure soulful riffage and seventies groove. It comes across as a tribute to all the masters of old. It recalls tunes we know from Rory Gallagher, Johnny Winter and Robin Trower. But also on occasion incorporates a more edgy sound we attribute to Hendrix. Or even a The Wind Cries Mary, Jimi honoring ode. But they are at their best when they forget to honor the giants and simply play their warm and glowing sound. And when the drummer reminds of a time when a percussionist could play free and voluntarily. Passionate blues to start off a week right…
Dutch Courage,
vrijdag 24 februari 2012
A Giant A Genius – Demo
In the sandy hills of Drunen four guys are driven on by their relentless search for that all mighty riff. A Giant A Genius incorporates influences from math and alternative metal into their hypnotizing post rock and stoner sound. Already earning their spurs in bans such as Kill Caress and Ni Hao the four members invoke a mystic and hypnotizing sound without becoming too repetitive. And like Komatsu did before them; A Giant A Genius also incorporates samples into their tracks. Although in this case it only slightly works. But even if the sampling invokes an old but weak sort of Jane Eyre sentiment; the massive groove and liquid riffing makes you float along a much darker and preferably brass, copper and bronze feeling. With hints of Therapy? and something excitingly melodic we can only hope for something more by these guys. Something gigantic; maybe even pure genius…
A Giant A Genius,
Dutch Courage,
Back… Down from the mountains…
Come down from the mountain… And preach your name! Indeed; the first sentence of one of our own songs. And one that had some merit quoting here. Since I am back and down from the mountains. Although I’m not some weirdo who will go off and tell people crazy shit; I only preach about the riffs, the rhythms and the tunes. Those majestically, ballistically delivered, sonic bullets that strike a blow against the empire like a hammer of the gods and that will ring on forever and ever into legend… Hell; I’m just lucky the mountain did not catch me and I did not get crushed under some snowslide. I guess there’s always next year? And now for something more important… On with the last week of the Dutch Courage Month!
vrijdag 17 februari 2012
Off to catch a mountain...

Off to catch a mountain...
I’m off to catch a mountain. Maybe with a fishingrod or perhaps some weird kind of netting. I've invited loads of purple crazies on small lama's to join me on the hunt. I hope they show up cause it would be a difficult feat catching it on my own. It might turn out that it caught me. I guess something’s never change. But in the end all that mattered, was that you knew that in the way the captain smoked, all would be alright… Seeya in a coupl’a’days!
Horses On Fire – Horses On Fire
Somewhere in 2008 in an area surrounding Gent, Belgium two guys get together to start jamming and fuck around musically. After bringing in a musical brother and another friend; Horses On Fire is born. Four years later sees the release of their self-titled debut album. With overtones of extreme accessible Queens Of The Stone riffs and grooves mixed with some stadium rock a la Kings Of Leon and a Foo Fighters feeling we are treated to some grade a catchiness. All this is translated to some sort of seventies approach; maybe due to the fact the album was recorded live and analog. It’s catchy heavy rock with a bit of stoner and a caseload of dripping desperation. Played at different tempos and rhythms we get an atmosphere pregnant with dread and danger. Even though there’s that lingering feeling of something easy and smart; like an umbrella cocktail in a dangerous and dirty cul de sac. These guys are on the verge of going big; and not just in Japan.
Dutch Courage,
Horses On Fire,
Burn The Iris – Sovereign EP
Sovereign is the first release put out by Dutch metalheads Burn The Iris. The five freaks have been milling around since 2007 and on this first EP they show aptitude and promise. Three drawn out songs that last for about twenty minutes and can easily stand besides the work of bands such as Cult of Luna and Isis. But also influences known from bands like Pelican and Torche can be heard and even a little Mastodon. It’s heavy, droning and pounding rhythm is offset by dreamy guitars and a wicked variation in vocal lines. Especially when and where guest vocalist Tamara Clijsen enters the song; immediately the music takes off and seers over your head. Heavy laden with atmosphere and dark grunts, they know exactly when to switch over to melody and subtlety; only to put all that to shame again with a powerstorm of guitars. Eindhoven Rockcity back on the rise!
Burn The Iris,
Dutch Courage,
Bombay Show Pig – Baby It’s A Face

Bombay Show Pig – Baby It’s A Face
Self released – 2010
Rock, Stoner, Indie, Noise, Punk, Garage
Rated: ***
2012 will see the release of their first full-sized album. But till that time the EP Baby It’s A Face will have to tie all the Bombay Show Pig fans over. On this second EP the Bombay freaks continue on where they left off with their first EP. With even more stoner queues taken from bands like Queens Of The Stone Age; these five songs are heavy laden with hooks and a truckload of small accents that add greatly to the charm of it all. Highly dynamic and with never a dull moment they tend to lure you into one direction only to throw a curve ball the other way. Leaving you wondering where to go next with their eclectic, electric and synthesized version of stoner pop. This is music for weird nights full of masks and dirty dancing. It’s sizzling. The fat is in the fire. Get high on cocaine…
Bombay Show Pig,
Dutch Courage,
Bombay Show Pig – First EP
Nowadays Bombay Show Pig has been reduced to a duo because vocalist Christian Kratzsch decided to leave the band last year. But during those first years the band was known for their energetic live shows and their ability to fuse all kinds of heavy rock into some kind of hipster indie version. Which resulted in comparisons to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Death From Above 1979. And they sure do sport a massive beat and rhythm. Founded as a graduation project for the Amsterdam Conservatoire they maintain a dark and grimy attitude and use this to combine stoner riffs and grooves with a punk feel, noise influences and an indie disposition. It’s the fat that makes the taste, he said with great relish!
Bombay Show Pig,
Dutch Courage,
Work... Makes Johnny a sad little fucker...
Due to the fact that I have to leave on a little trip again in the near future work has been extremely hectic. Many keyboards, computers and typewriters perished in the process. But the work has been done and the road beckons… But before I leave all you lovely freaks out there for a couple of days… Let’s quickly put something up for the Dutch Courage Month so there will be some new and weird tunes blasting through the speakers… Alaaf…
dinsdag 14 februari 2012
Deadbeat Passenger – Demo
After The Bloody Honkies ceased to be and the members went their separate ways, the brothers Mul started their own project called Deadbeat Passenger. It was a short-lived project that garnered serious attention but could not hold on to the magic that was felt during the first sessions with the lovely drummer Danielle van Gaalen and bassist David van Lochem. We are left with a three-track demo and a song that was added to a Dutch collection record. It has a similar sound to the Honkies but with more roots and Americana influences and even has something that usually only Norwegian bands have. Something cold but steamy and something wide, weird and full of air. Driven by fat blues riffs that flusters the gut and excites the blood that courses through your veins the songs put their hooks in you on a first listen. Wild driving music! And since it’s Valentine’s day; let’s profess our love to the lovely Danielle!

maandag 13 februari 2012
The Bloody Honkies – The Gospel Of

The Bloody Honkies – The Gospel Of
Sonic Rendezvous – 2007
Rock, Blues, Garage, Psychedelics
Rated: *****
Today we visit one of the albums that started the rise of the Nijmegen, Arnhem and Achterhoek region as the rock center of the Netherlands. Drinking buddies from little villages surrounding Lichtenvoorde found a home in the barn of their guitar player baptizing it as the Magic Barn. Soon their sound developed into something raw and savage. A deeper and soulful version of garage and blues then anything else coming from the Lowlands at that point in time. They called themselves The Bloody Honkies and before dissolving again and starting a string of other bands they were able to release one brilliant album called The Gospel Of. It is an atavistic version of sixties and seventies garage; and with their high energy and wild spirit they never sound as a copy but as their own original version of all that came before. Absolute stunning album!
donderdag 9 februari 2012
Gods Monkey – Room For A Pony

Gods Monkey – Room For A Pony
Self released – 2011
Rock, Alternative, Psychedelics, Stoner
Rated: ***
Eindhoven Rockcity; this used to be a true slogan till the Nijmegen area captured the flag and ran with it. But with bands like Hijos De Mayo, Komatsu and Gods Monkey there is a good reason to assume that the tide might turn. The guys started in 2009 and released their first three-track demo the following year. This garnered enough attention to start recording a full-sized album with the productional help of Peter van Elderen of Peter Pan Speedrock and the illustrious Theo van Rock. (Mostly known from his work with PPS and Rollins Band.) It results in a groovy rock album entitled Room For A Pony that meanders through the stoner landscape just as easily as that of the seventies rock, alternative metal, smoky blues, gritty grunge and contemplating psychedelics. Sometimes it sounds a bit allover the place; but it is never stereotype, and when those places visit Tool, Therapy?, The Cult, Queens Of The Stone Age, Peter Pan Speedrock, Life of Agony and Tin Machine whose complaining?! Not me!
(downloadable via their)
Dutch Courage,
Gods Monkey,
woensdag 8 februari 2012
Hijos De Mayo – In Sound Underground
Before the Eindhoven foursome Hijos De Mayo came to be; the members played in illustrious bands such as Gifkip, GodsChosenDealer, Moral Anxiety, Red King Rising and The Ghouls. It started off as a three-piece instrumental band in 2006 after Gifkip dissolved and during those formative years they released two EP’s. When Boukje added her vocals they released their The 4-Track Tape Adventures EP. So with the adding of vocals and a change in drummers; 2008 became a pivotal year. After which work started on their first full-sized album called In Sound Underground; which was released almost exactly a year ago. With their icy and ominous version of stoner combined with noise and postrock they deliver a perfect soundtrack for the winter months. It has a mysterious atmosphere that is sometimes quenched by a wall of sound or subdued by multi-layered details and accents. And only occasionally put aside for a more cliche take on rock; but overall Hijos De Mayo attempt to make their own blend, a beautiful sauce that goes with almost every kind of dish…
Dutch Courage,
Hijos De Mayo,
dinsdag 7 februari 2012
Navarone – Navarone
Navarone was founded in the year of our lord 2008 and is described by themselves as Led Zeppelin taking a ride in Aerosmith's Rock ‘n Rollercoaster while The Black Crowes and Pink Floyd are trying to convince Soundgarden to taste some of their home made psychedelic brew. And they are pretty much right on the money there; as long as they meant for their brew to be a watered down version and that the only reason someone might o/d. or go psycho on it is because of their lack of tolerance for the middle of the road. But with a full-sized album on the horizon we do hope that they will deviate from that path a little and try the muddy left side or gravelly right side; cause there’s enough food for inspiration and thought here. Masterful axe-slingers; superb vocals and wicked drums. So let’s bring a toast to good days in the studio and the devil pushing them in the right direction… Like Tom Delforterie from Radio Blackout did with his version of the Navarone song The Devil's Got A Hold On My Head…
Dutch Courage,
maandag 6 februari 2012
Supersonic Megafuckers – Couple of Tunes
Last year we already paid attention to Easy Trigger, which provides easy digestible rock that neighbors that of the simplest Foo Fighters and Queens of The Stone Age tunes. American radio rock with a poppy and punky feel. But before Easy Trigger came to be in 2009 two of the members already played in Trunk and the three-piece Supersonic Megafuckers. The Megafuckers were able to score free studio time in 2005 and came up with a six songs EP called Couple of Tunes. And it’s easy to hear the later Trigger sound in these songs. Their no-nonsense rock tunes with their simplistic punk feel all last for about a minute and a half a piece. The biggest merit of these tracks however is the bit of raw power and energy that manages to seep through the otherwise melodic and facile sound. Simple music with balls…
Dutch Courage,
Easy Trigger,
Supersonic Megafuckers
zaterdag 4 februari 2012
vrijdag 3 februari 2012
The Rott-Childs – Riches Will Come Thy Way – A Musical

The Rott-Childs – Riches Will Come Thy Way – A Musical
Rough Trade – 2011
Rock, Punk, Hardcore, Noise, Stoner
Rated: ***
Does everyone still remember El Guapo Stuntteam? One of the best bands to ever sprout from the Belgian soil. A band that gave the definition of rock a new meaning. And from those original six members, two of them are still together. The rest of them are dead, missing in action or institutionalized in either a nuthouse or prison. (Or played or are playing in bands such as Eat Lions, The Sore Losers, Rise And Fall and Vermin Twins.) But the two that have still been able to escape the evil clutches, founded The Rott-Childs in 2009 and released their first full-sized album Riches Will Come Thy Way – A Musical last year. Sticky rock ‘n roll that incorporates the hectic feeling from noise and the baroque madness from Nick Cave bands. Hyperactive chaos rock that does not aim to please but to derange and turn your head upside down. Steamrolling freaks that will pulverize you with their highly inflammable ramshackle rock, punk and noise banded together in a strange and benevolent angularity. These guys will rip the flesh of your bones and feed it to starving lama’s and other beasts with humps. Yes; they are that eccentric…
Dutch Courage,
El Guapo Stuntteam,
The Rott-Childs
donderdag 2 februari 2012
Black Bottle Riot – Black Bottle Riot
It took these guys nearly two years to complete their album; not because they are slow, sluggish or lazy. But because they wanted to experiment and be able to scrap things when they did not work after some time. Their shows contain hard rocking grooves and half-naked cheerleaders and their music developed from more seventies and stoner rock to this… Introducing Nijmegen’s own Black Bottle Riot. On their self-titled record they give us tasty biker tunes hailing from the Deep South and inspired by bands such as Lynyrd Skynyrd, Black Crowes and Allman Brothers. They’re a tight outfit that convinces with every note and often sound like some long lost American rockband. And where the first few tunes start off a bit wavering; it is the long haul that counts. Like a slow starting truck they hit you hard when they get to full speed and leave you on the ground like some stink infested roadkill. They have a pendant in licks, kicks and dirty guitar tricks. The BBB brings heavy dynamic southern blues that provides the perfect soundtrack for a night filled with bottles full of riot!

Black Bottle Riot,
Dutch Courage,
woensdag 1 februari 2012
Ten Page Pilot – Into The Eyes of The Armed
Last year during the Dutch Courage Month we already announced the fact that the four Limburgian friends of Ten Page Pilot were on the verge of releasing their first full-sized album entitled Into The Eyes Of The Armed. This pure little gem was largely overlooked and has not received the attention it deserved in 2011. For where their EP Circle Lines from 2008 leaned heavily on their roots as Nirvana cover band and lacked a little spirit of their own. Their new record sports that, even more Smashing Pumpkins influences and whole truckload of Dutch spirit. It tells a complex story about mankind and uses a heavy groove, ripping guitars and manic drums to tell their tale. But they also dare to hold back and go for the emotional note and show they know that it has merit to compose a true song. These guys use their full scale of ability in every way or direction their courage takes them. Melodic stoner with massive grunge influences. We have lift off…
Dutch Courage,
Ten Page Pilot
Dutch Courage Month
The worst thing about this season is the fact that you can get ill for no apparent reason. The flu is always right there waiting for you to take your breath away and make your body ache. And when you finally recover after a week of sweating and fevering; there is another form of flu waiting to take you on yet another ride for some weird and possibly fascists reason. I hate being sick. Ooh well; but that’s not what I came here to tell you freaks; there is no use in complaining about some illness you can only really just sit out. I am here to tell you all that the second edition of the Dutch Courage Month starts today! Posting bands that have some sort of link to the Lowlands. Incorporating the Flemish against their will into one big country and searching for that one solid gold piece of riffing that you guys out there might not have heard yet. Last year we did this thing for the first time in honor of Insane Riez, his blog and his one-time collections. So it is only right that we continue this year old tradition. Cause you know what they say; everything worth doing, is worth doing right! If it ain’t Dutch, it ain’t much. And good people, drink good beer…
Dutch Courage
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