In the amazing country of Greece which has been unjustly wrecked by the bullshit can of elephant meat we call the economy; grows a potato that has the ability to intoxicate and derange. We are talking ofcourse about the quartet going by the name of Hot Potato Syndrome. Made up out of other Athens bands who met on stage in 2009 they started jamming together in 2011 to explore wild and uncharted territories. With the emotion and criticism of grunge; which also delivers most of the structures, the gritty and fuzzy guitars of stoner and their famous groove and a tiny pinch of the sound of the psychedelic seventies their first demo Come War Ghost lights a fire in your mind. Especially the ever changing rhythm, aggressiveness and nineties rock feeling are stunning and enchanting. Next time I’m in Athens I will definately get me a plate of Hot Potato!
Chat Pile - Cool World (2024)
7 uur geleden
I love Greece! And definitly dig Hot Potato Syndrome!