Hailing from the ‘still’ Belgian French side of things; The Von Durden Party Project started out in 2007 with five heads but has now been reduced to a core of three. The name has also been shortened to just Von Durden and a second album called Dandy Animals is in the works and will soon see the light of day. Which pointed me to the fact that their first one: Death Discotheque has received extreme little attention. Even though the album contains a dozen damn fine songs that fit perfectly in the stream of stonerpop bands that have seen the light of day in recent years. They hold their own in the middle of Arctic Monkeys, De Staat and the Eagles of Death Metal; and all of that interspersed with a nice dose of disco! Energetic rockmusic that either stirs or moves your bones; but usually leaves you jumping like a madman. Or if you will; polished stonerpop with an extremely moveable rhythm that still on occasion lets that sexy raw sound shine through… Allez; donnez-moi quelques nouveaux battements!
9 uur geleden
Fun album.