Austrian born Collector Base Emitter started jamming among the three of them around 2008 and later that year turned a demo loose on the world. In 2010 the gentlemen release their first full-force album labeled thingy. The self released Transis albums has three songs on it of which everyone of them lasts for at least ten minutes and the sound-story in total lasts forty minutes. Quiet compositions are exchanged for guitar-explosions and ear-numbing doom. The first two songs are sweet symbioses of tension, intensity and monotony. Of course there are little vocals on the album; which is a pity… Cause our little Austrian friend can definitely hold a tune. Third and last song Minimal Animal puts a tiny little bit more peddle to the metal and most of all combines the best stuff from the first two songs. Let’s hope the band can find a new bass-player quickly; cause I for one am curious where this adventure can lead us…
8 uur geleden
Found the album a bit trivial.