The Team

The Team


Well... It's really just me... Joop Konraad. That's the name I've been using online since, well, forever. Been part of the Doom Charts from day one and am currently leading the charge there. Founded this here litlee old Stoner HiVe blog back in 2009 after first doing the same sort of thing in Dutch on a blog called Musical Mojo for a year or two. I'm a freelance journalist writing for all sorts of different magazines, but music is my main love and Dutch music magazine Lust For Life caters to that love. Hey, well, I'm just a heavy music fiend, trying to spread my love for the good stuff...  

Very occasionally delivering a post or two...


The original guru; the one true Yoda, the giver of names and the one who always has his finger on the pulse of the musical mojo floating around… (Part of the Doom Charts crew.)

Tony Maim

The man, the Madman, the preacher and the musician who is always right and knows when you are wrong. He has been a constant blogging factor on his very own Black Insect Laughter outlet since around 2010 and has been sending out his tunes via his damn fine Zeppheroin project and his Guitars on Drugs. And we heard that other collaborative works are in the making as well. And as he turns down the laughter a tiny bit we are honored to have him groove and bang his head over here… (Part of the Doom Charts crew.)

The Reek of STOOM

The Reek of STOOM is ofcourse not his real name, nor is his eyeball really about to fall out. But that use to be the name he wanted to go by and the look he is sporting for the HiVe... Nowadays you can find him luring at you as Stevie Reek! Or in his own words: "Just a Space Cadet from the planet Bong who, when not scourging the depths of Doomdom, likes to indulge in Bong-snorkeling and DIY trepanning." And have you heard his Howls From The Hollows podcast? Right on STOOM! Right on! (Part of the Doom Charts crew.)


As the sky turned grey orange and the wind started to pick up, we looked and we saw, a good knight approaching. His name was known throughout the land to be: Kyle! Hailing from that other sin city in the USA, Washington DC. He joins us proudly because he simply just wants to spread his love for the good stuff on the HiVe…  On bandcamp he is known as Shastabeast and on Facebook as Shastabeest or Kyle SB and sports a wicked collection of pure gold! Or in his own words he is merely:  “Worshipper at the altar of low end and the scuzzy riff. Can be found courting tinnitus at the nearest show or lost in the sludgy wilds of bandcamp.” Right on good sir! Right on! And he recently started his own PR firm called: Good Boy PR! (Part of the Doom Charts crew.)


Jon McGough!

You've seen him around, everywhere, always posting about his new favorite finds, those new heavy rock albums he adores... And he’s also driving hundreds of miles to see live shows. Puer dedication! So,  yes, as a permanent fixture to many a Facebook group, forum and reacting to posts everywhere, Jon McGough has been writing mini reviews without even knowing it. And then he joined the Doom Charts and upped his game. And now he’s graced us by joining Stoner HiVe to write the occasional review as well… (Part of the Doom Charts crew.)

 Ronny Dijksterhuis!

We're lucky we found the amazing Yajaira and that we kept raving about it here and there. Cause that might have been the ticket to get Ronny Dijksterhuis on the Stoner HiVe team. Cause through the Doom Charts and that band, the man found us. And even though we might actually have known eachother somewhat in person for ages, we never really knew. He used to write for Dutch music magazine Up Magazine, which unfortunately folded back in 2014. And since finding out about Doom Charts and Stoner HiVe, his longing to write some new stuff about the music he loves has been growing exponentially...



Currently AWOL... An unemployed writer famous for his acrobatic lunges and suspicious master of ceremonies at his own blog: Paranoid Hitsophrenic. He also went on to found and start up the Doom Charts...


Currently AWOL... A friend of the team. Scours the Internet for the good stuff and sometimes answers the phone. Even when it isn’t ringing…

Charlie Tooth

Currently AWOL... Musiclover, musician, dreamer/realist, and a burning rage second to none! And the man behind Eichen Tooth!


Currently AWOL... Has little time on his hands since all those precious moments are either used to make music or lounge around on a worn down couch drinking lukewarm beer. He therefor uses his words carefully and shoots them off in one-sentence-reviews… Kapow!


Currently AWOL... Passioned about heavy music and has a thing for climbing back on horses. Just an average Joe preaching the gospel of Iommi...


Currently AWOL... But he might just be lurking around the corner waiting for the right musical outlet to jump and pound on! And probably naked…

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