woensdag 28 augustus 2024

Fringe Sociology – Karma Carcass, Soul Queen


 Video and Single debut, Premiere

Fringe Sociology – Karma Carcass, Soul Queen

Are you always searching? You looking for something out there? Something off center? Weird? Crazy? Not easily explained? Look no further and head off on a little jaunt with Fringe Sociology! It’s their debut single Karma Carcass, Soul Queen and we are completely honored to Premiere this wicked little ditty for you all. The main cats behind all this scheming is Lars Carlberg from Grandier and Bokor and drummer Hampus Landin. And together they produce some bizarre yet utterly tantalizing ruckus. Metal, with sludge, doom, thrash and industrial. Something tribalistic at work and sounds that carry with it some ancient secret knowledge, Fringe Sociology has discovered something... And will howl it in  your ear...

“It's really just an excuse for hanging out and having a few beers. But we've recorded and mixed most of an album ranging from some kind of sludge to Pink Floyidish crap. We shot an awesome/terrible video of one song that we think actually kicks ass.”

“The band is me and Hampus Landin at the moment. We've been hanging out in our studio now and then, having a few beers and writing, rewriting, rerecording, remixing stuff since... early 2022? I do the guitars, bass and vocals and Hampus does drums and other assorted stuff. He's also very involved in artwork and production. We've been nagging people to do some guest stuff, like fancy guitar solos and shit, but nobody seems to want anything to do with us, hahaha! (Except for an old friend laying down some amazing keyboard stuff on one song)."

"I started Fringe Sociology as some kind of placeholder dump for trying out stuff, back in 2018. Music but also some writing, photography and other creative stupid hobbies. Part of the fun is learning how to produce shit from scratch all the way to the finished release, never done the whole lot ourselves before. We've got the luxury of being part of a small music association that runs a studio, making it possible. Lately we've been thinking about doing some Fringe Sociology live, yeah, but we're being sidetracked all the time. Like with this video that started out with Hampus having that ugly pig mask, and then we got an old friend to act out his secret loathing for everything and everybody. And I got to learn more about how to cut video and mess shit up with filters and bad light and stuff. Betrayer-Kreator-feeling, haha. We're "unsigned" as of now, whatever that means these days? We've got an album kinda finished, just two more songs to go. And half of an EP. There's always one or two more songs to go. Someway or other we'll get our shit together and release more stuff, probably the album, during 2024. It's done when it's done, as they say...”

Video sponsored by NorseNomad brewery, starring master brewer Håkan in a pig mask. No other people or animals were hurt or involved in this production.



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