dinsdag 31 december 2024

The Countdown So Far...



The Countdown so far...

So, this is it. Almost midnight. Would you like to say a few words to mark the occasion. Of course we do. We would like to thank you all for voting this year, following along and sending messages of appreciation. And yes, we also thank once again all those bands delivering all those amazing albums. It’s almost time to announce the Number 1 album of the Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown of 2024 according to 218 of you lovely heavy music fiends out there. All you crazies who had the time and energy to send us their list of favorite albums. We thank you once again, cause without you all this could not be possible. And it is the reason Stoner HiVe started; all the way back in 2009

But before we enter 2025; before we know the Number 1 album according to you all, let’s state a few things about 2024 and list all the albums that have been featured on the Top 20 Countdown of 2024 so far. 21 of all those absolutely amazing albums that were produced this year, made it to the Top 20 Countdown of 2024. But the total list contains so much more! A tad more than 750 in fact! We shall publish the Numbers 21 to 100 soon enough. Personal lists of the Stoner HiVe Team will also go up next week. And this year, 5 albums received theThe Red Lantarn. 5 albums, received one vote and on the 20th position of someone’s list. So, The Red Lantarn post will follow shortly as well, cause you know, it might just be your new favorite album!

And now, before we start to tear up, profess out love for all that amazing music, from this year, yesteryear and the future once again, let’s run through the Countdown one last time and prepare for fireworks! Soon, we will know, what the Number 1 album is according to all you voters out there! Thank you all! Best of wishes for 2025, let’s try and make it the best year ever for as many people as we can! Let’s make it loud, heavy and amazing! Happy New Year! 

1. …

2. Slomosa – Tundra Rock

3. Greenleaf – The Head & The Habit

4. Elephant Tree / Lowrider - The Long Forever

5. Sundrifter - An Earlier Time

6. Psychlona - Warped Vision

7. Rezn – Burden

8. Black Pyramid - The Paths of Time are Vast

9. Sergeant Thunderhoof - The Ghost Of Badon Hill

10. Orange Goblin - Science, Not Fiction

11. Acid Mammoth - Supersonic Megafauna Collision

12. Sons of Arrakis - Volume II

13. Magmakammer - Before I Burn

14. Fu Manchu - The Return Of Tomorrow

15. High on Fire - Cometh the Storm

16. Mr. Bison - Echoes From The Universe

17. Blood Incantation - Absolute Elsewhere

18. Sacri Monti – Retrieval
& Ufomammut – Hidden

19. Anciients – Beyond the Reach of the Sun

20. Emu – Emu

Number 2



Number 2

Today we will know which album gets the Silver Medal according to all the votes that came in. Our lovely Heavy Underground is filled with amazing albums and it is not a competition. We all know this. We are all brothers in riffs and sisters of the groove. The votes just show how incredibly loved a certain album is. Cause you can bet your ass that all of those albums already mentioned and the ones that will be mentioned in the 21 to 100 post that goes live in a day or two are all loved by just as many. But this album, we mention today, got 74 points more in votes than Greenleaf on Number 3. Which is not that big of a jump of course. Especially since the jump we make on January 1st is much bigger. A band I have been blessed to see live ever since they first stepped on a stage outside of their native country. And have been blessed to see grow into the band they are now. Always delivering the goods live. Always. And the new album showcases that talent and the talent to write songs that will do good on those stages. And this is just their second album! They started sharing some vocal duties, added vocal harmonies and move around with more dynamics. And the hooks! Oh, the abundance of! And all very warm to the touch; emitting a gritty yet vaporous energy and with the warming of the earth we can only expect more heat in the future… For this is… 

According to all of your votes, on Number 2 we find: 

Slomosa - Tundra Rock





Stickman Records

MNRK Heavy

maandag 30 december 2024

Number 3


Number 3

A big jump takes us into the Top 3. No less than 322 points from that majestic split album by Elephant Tree & Lowrider on Number 4 brings us to the Bronze Medal position. It’s not a competition, there are no real medals. And all of us love different albums for different reasons at different times. But this album received this amount of votes at this moment in time. And once again, we can’t thank you all enough for voting for and following the Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown of 2024! We love doing it and with the feedback we receive, we love doing it even more! So, thank you! And we thank this band for continuously releasing amazing albums! We don’t review this band on Stoner HiVe a lot. Not because we personally don’t love it. Cause we do. We love this band to bits! But we usually have to write about it for the Dutch magazine we write for and because they usually make the Countdown and usually end up on the Top 3 of the Countdown anyway. They are that good. That singular. That identifiable. Number 3 in 2021. Number 3 in 2018. Number 1 in 2016. Number 9 in 2014. Number 14 in 2012. That’s right their incredibly groovy stonerrock has gotten more intense with the vocalist that joined back in 2014. Ten years on every single member is the most important one and it feels like the band cannot exist without them anymore. Singular in delivery and presence, the four are more than their number. A stand-out band that continues to deliver outstanding albums!

According to all of your votes, on Number 3 we find:

Greenleaf - The Head & the Habit




Magnetic Eye Records

zondag 29 december 2024

Number 4



Number 4

Psychlona at Number 6, Sundrifter at Number 5, they are all extremely close in points with today’s Number 4. For today we only move another ten points to reach Number 4. Where we find two bands! No, not two albums though. It’s a split album. One of the two splits you might have assumed would make the Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown of 2024. As the votes rolled in though, there were a few lists that had the remark written beside it: “I actually vote mostly because of one of the sides of this split album.” And one even stated that one side was the sole reason he voted for the split record. But both bands have been releasing magical albums for quite some time now. Both side feature amazing compositions and yes, that one side might be easier to come to grips with and the might be spilling over in emotional gravity because of the story behind it all. But yes, both sides are stunning, even though we must conclude, for us personally, that the song they collaborate together on is perhaps the key track on this record. Euphoria inducing, languid early morning grooves, with guitar tones delivered by the one band and the vocals by the other. It takes on this entirely hazy and almost dreamy attitude, with colors that shift like the sands of time. A night sky filled with falling stars and a moon that winks. And as it winks out, you feel the wish burning in your heart… Why couldn’t it last forever…

According to all of your votes, on Number 4 we find:

Elephant Tree / Lowrider - The Long Forever

Elephant Tree Bandcamp

Elephant Tree Homepage

Elephant Tree Facebook

Elephant Tree Instagram

Lowrider Bandcamp

Lowrider Facebook

Lowrider Instagram

Blues Funeral Recordings

zaterdag 28 december 2024

Number 5



Number 5

As mentioned yesterday, we’re only moving up a spot by jumping a mere 8 points from Psychlona at Number 6 to reach Number 5. Where we find a band we are ashamed to acknowledge we never mentioned on the HiVe before. Even though their 2018 record was absolutely stunning as well and only barely missed entering that years Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown. But this year, they are here, on Number 5 where we find that trio that has perfected the combination of stonerrock, grunge and space rock. Extremely atmospheric the compositions seem to expand ever more outwards with every listening session. The sound is huge, it’s grand and it’s truly of cosmic proportions. And then there’s that second track, almost going the way of industrial or tekno and really injecting you with jet propulsion to have you going at max velocity out there in the majestic universe. Its dizzying the way this album swirls and whirls and spirals and almost seems to spin out of control. And you will move with it, rotating and revolving, seeing momentary misty moments of times passed and times yet to come…  

According to all of your votes, on Number 5 we find:

Sundrifter - An Earlier Time





Small Stone Records

vrijdag 27 december 2024

Number 6



Number 6

Before we get to a few smaller jump in points we make another huge leap with no less than 176 points from Rezn at Number 7 to reach this album on Number 6. A band that made the Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown before as well. Reaching Number 9 in 2022 and Number 2 back in 2020. A band who’s vocalist is known to say whatever comes to mind and therefor gets himself into trouble often enough. And a drummer that must have a lot of Scottish heritage in his veins! Ho ho ho, sorry about that, but those remarks might only make sense to the band themselves. It’s an album that features two new members and that fact warped the sound a bit. There is more blues now, in tones and overall feel. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t enough of that riff fuel that was always there. Or those psychedelic and stoner rock motifs that will get you sky high. No, that vision is still quite clear! They are the same comic rockers that will rock every stage and they are the same seventies loving fuzz monsters. They just implore more earthy sounds now and have become even bigger experts in conjuring up a warm and nostalgic feel, whatever the lyrical subject might be… Even if it involves murderous cults…

According to all of your votes, on Number 6 we find:

Psychlona - Warped Vision






Magnetic Eye Records

Full review on Stoner HiVe

Phil Hey Interview

donderdag 26 december 2024

Number 7



Number 7

Another big jump today. A 146 points from Black Pyramid on Number 8 to reach Number 7. Where we find a band that made last years Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown as well. And not just once. Nope, twice. One of their albums reached Number 14 and the other one, a collaborative one, came in at Number 19. They are an industrious bunch, cause back in 2020 they reached Number 13. Rife with psychedelic swirls, their progressive doom soars and pulls you along their maelstrom of magnificent riffs and almost shoegaze atmospherics. Giving the album so much soul and mysterious energy. Soaring, gliding, swimming, through this viscose sound mixture that moves the spirit and moves every fiber of your being. Just like that album from last year, for they are linked and show us a band that have gone through a lot of intense experiences together and have come out on the other side with a knowledge of more. For there’s sorcery going on here, rain stick alchemy and perhaps even more ancient magic…

According to all of your votes, on Number 7 we find: 

Rezn – Burden





Sargent House

woensdag 25 december 2024

Number 8



Number 8

Sometimes the jump in points are bigger, for now we jump 128 points from Sergeant Thunderhoof on Number 9 to reach the album on Number 8. An album that will take you to the threshold and without any qualms whatsoever push you over. And there you will fly through an endless and vast universe of Psych, Stoner, Rock, metal and all of its movements are progressive in nature. The textures are different here, the dark brimming with energy and the light flickering like a far off celestial reality blinking in and out of existence. It’s huge, expansive and seems to grow bigger with every listening session. Eight tracks, almost one hour and ten minutes, but they will feel like time stood still and paradoxically enough passed you by in a heartbeat. The path is entirely different here. So it fits, Number 8, having the infinity sign is another weird but poetic testament to the limitlessness of this album…

According to all of your votes, on Number 8 we find: 

Black Pyramid - The Paths of Time are Vast





Totem Cat Records

dinsdag 24 december 2024

Number 9



Number 9

A jump of seventy-four points takes us from the legendary Orange Goblin on Number 10 into the single digits. A band that achieved legendary status for me personally with their 2022 album. And one that reached Number 4 of the Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown of 2022 that year according to all the votes that came in. On the new album, the less is more principle seems to work for the songs, turning the compositions into carriers of a longer arc, a story and a history. Dismissing the extra riffs, leaving off the fills, the extra lyrics and everything that wasn’t necessary to tell the tale. The result turns their progressive side into something highly engaging and compulsive, for once the opening track begins, you cannot help but listen to the entire fable once again. For we’ve said it before, if you want to tell a story, it’s about setting the scene. And some bands are true experts in that respect. Just listen to the wind, as it gushes around you on that fateful hill, and that acoustic medieval-touched guitar, punctuated by a forlorn whistle... And you will be swept up by the mist and carried away to another time and place. Yes, with this album the band has become one of them…

According to all of your votes, on Number 9 we find:

Sergeant Thunderhoof - The Ghost Of Badon Hill





Pale Wizard Records

Full review on Stoner HiVe

maandag 23 december 2024

Number 10



Number 10

Another almost sixty points takes us from Acid Mammoth on Number 11 into the Top 10. Legendary bands releasing new albums this year all seem to have made one of their best in their career according to the votes that came in. And the one we find on Number 10 can be added to that majestic list. Renewed fire and all! Coming straight at you from the center of the earth. The vocalist has quit the drink and gotten healthy, can that be the thing that makes this new album so bizarrely good? Perhaps so, cause now, on their new, tenth album he is in extremely great shape, both lyrically and vocally, and perhaps better then he has ever been before. And then there’s a new bass player as well. Another spark of new energy to fire up the beast. Rumbling bass, thundering drums, rampaging riffs and wild solo work, and that’s just the opening track. Classic metal, motoring energy, a few more psychedelic tracks and a whole lot of fire! The band sounds even more inspired and worthy of the legendary status we always knew they deserved. As if they’ve always been that dormant volcano and now decided to erupt in a most glorious pyroclastic flow. I for one feel the fire in my belly! And I can’t wait to see them live again!

According to all of your votes, on Number 10 we find: 

Orange Goblin - Science, Not Fiction





Peaceville Records

Full review on Stoner HiVe

zondag 22 december 2024

Number 11



Number 11

We jump exactly sixty points to reach Number 11 today. A  band that does something special for you crazies that follow the HiVe. For it has been making the Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown with almost every album they’ve released. Reaching Number 18 back in 2020 and Number 7 in 2021. This is their fourth album and relentlessly stomps on the terra, like a mega beast on a doom trek across an ancient landscape. That’s right, gigantic and lurching monsters stuck in the black treacle tarpits of Pleistocene earth, ceaselessly producing those doom riffs and anthemic rhythms. There is something so reassuring and comforting about this warm woolly beast. You know how this animal will stomp. You know how the tusks will sway. Toned to a certain level of perfection they deliver that heady doom once again, that massive groove that will always and forever leave a mark upon your soul. Are you ready to get trampled by all the shaggy heaviness once more?

According to all of your votes, on Number 11 we find: 

Acid Mammoth - Supersonic Megafauna Collision





Heavy Psych Sounds Records

zaterdag 21 december 2024

Number 12



Number 12

Another twenty four points takes us from Magmakammer on Number 13 to todays Number 12. A band that reached the eighteenth position of the Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown of 2022 with their debut album. This is their second record. And the proto, the metal, the doom and its progressive urges, it is all there to touch the hardrock, the stonerrock and the psychedelic rock they deliver. It is also there to make sure you turn the volume up as high as you possibly can. And it will transport you to a different universe altogether, thanks to the wider atmospheric reach and a strengthening of their otherworldly realm. An album rife with many layers and dynamics, turning more and more into the album you love so dearly with every spinning session. A tale is spun, not just by the lyrics, but also with the chosen instrumentation and how that slide guitar and synth helps you travel the galactic expanse… No need for spice, just listen to this album to journey through the fold…  

According to all of your votes, on Number 12 we find: 

Sons of Arrakis - Volume II





Black Throne Productions

vrijdag 20 december 2024

Number 13



Number 13

Are you ready for some proto touched doom jive? We leave Fu Manchu on Number 14 and jump 36 points to reach Number 13. Where we find the sophomore album by this Norwegian trio. That vintage, obscure, garage and steamy sound, that hazy and dirty atmosphere, it is all so highly addictive and drags you along a mind trip of gigantic proportions. And it will feel like one psychoactive and occult touched merry go round. Round and round it goes! Gigantic is also a word one can use for the hooks, the riffs and the efficiency in which it is all delivered. The bass that seems to bop from basement walls like the relentless dripping of a leak. And a touch of sinister gives it that ominous feeling, punctuated by the drums that stomp like those evil footsteps in a dark cul de sac in the middle of the night. We might meet the devil there… But before I burn, I need to listen to this album just one more time…

According to all of your votes, on Number 13 we find: 

Magmakammer - Before I Burn





Kozmik Artifactz

Evil Noise Recordings

donderdag 19 december 2024

Number 14



Number 14


Another minor jump in points today. Only eight points takes us from High On Fire on Number 15 to these cool cats on Number 14. Talking about legendary… They’ve perfected their hang loose, laidback version of stonerrock many years ago. Always carrying a skater or surf vibe with their releases and turning ever more into the perfect fuzzy rocking and mellow grooving hybrid. And for this album they do it in double style. For it is a double album that sharpens their fuzz skills on one side and show off how freaking smooth they can be once the other side has started. Perhaps with more glances towards the sixties and seventies this time around, but as always, with these sundried riffs and this electrifying and sunny atmosphere. As if the universe opens up for you and gives you these rapturous glances at a bright blue sky waiting for you tomorrow…

According to all of your votes, on Number 14 we find:

Fu Manchu - The Return Of Tomorrow





At The Dojo Records

woensdag 18 december 2024

Number 15



Number 15

We climb only six points from Mr. Bison on Number 16 to reach Number 15 today. Which is album number nine for this band. The man behind the band has enlisted a new drummer and the new incarnation of the trio seems determined to bring that massive rumble that heralds the coming of a huge storm. Their sludge metal means business, and interspersed with a few Eastern melodies, instrumentation and coloring, turns the whirling riffs and thundering drums into something entirely windswept and scorching. Heat emanates from every string pulled and every riff delivered, and that intensity is constant and becomes louder with every listening session. Yes, the constant, the cadence, hammering its searing noise home. Whether the tracks and this album become as memorable as all those other eight that came before remains to be seen. But one surely must conclude that with a bonafide legend at the helm, an album will always be legendary… Like a hundred-year-storm…

According to all of your votes, on Number 15 we find: 

High on Fire - Cometh the Storm




MNRK Heavy

dinsdag 17 december 2024

Number 16



Number 16

I have forgotten to mention the jump in amount of points with every spot, but we’ve now jumped a mere four points from Blood Incantation on Number 17 to reach the album on Number 16. Where we find another heavy progressive entry. But this time they stay in that lane of musicianship. Imploring a bit of psychedelia, touching on the blues roots of yore and winking at all that lovely kraut movement and space rock, the seven tracks on this album shine with harmonic brilliance. The way they weave their progressive threads throughout the record is impressive and shows their every growing knowledge of the grand universal energies of rock. Sophisticated compositions like velvet to your ears spin their tales like the myths this story is based on. These echoes have been ringing throughout the universe since existence and the Italian four have managed to capture them all and present them to you all bottled up and shooting around like a multitude of high voltage electric charges…

According to all of your votes, on Number 16 we find:

Mr. Bison - Echoes From The Universe





Heavy Psych Sounds


maandag 16 december 2024

Number 17



Number 17

After those two albums we found on Number 18 yesterday, we’re moving on to Number 17 today where we find one album. An album that might start as a very mid-seventies prog rock affair, but very quickly becomes this all crushing, all leveling blackened and death like metal album. Brutal and sludgy, the combination of those styles continues on throughout the album. Moments of atmospheric and ambient sounds coloring the crimson horror with a touch of psychedelia. Two sides, made up out of three tracks each, give you six tracks in total. Six exotic compositions that tumble over each other as they strive to wow you with their virtuosity and absolute shock and awe principles. All sorts of minor details and different instrumentation gives this entire album an otherworldly atmosphere. Turning it into an album you can't stop listening to. And you long for home and your headphones quickly, whenever you think about it... But when a band starts using the flute on their death metal, you know you will not only be listenening to it at home... Hell, you will need to listen to this absolutely everywhere…

According to all of your votes, on Number 17 we find:

Blood Incantation - Absolute Elsewhere





Century Media Records

zondag 15 december 2024

Number 18



Number 18


After Anciients on Number 19, we now move over to Number 18. And on this little spot on the Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown of 2024 we find two albums with the exact same amount of points. But completely different in musical output. One of them delivers an electrifying and dizzying maelstrom of seventies rock and psychedelic prog. It’s their third album and with it they manage to retrieve that sound of yore in perfect almost sacred form. Rooted in blues, the songs are both complex, yet also so easy to stomp along with. Absolute persistent in delivering those vintage motoring riffs, the organ providing extra fuel and power to reach every destination possible. And you will be there with them, with a heart full of glee. That other album brings the cosmic doom, the machinal sludge, and the boom that makes your house quake. Shit, it makes the entire neighborhood vibrate, for the delivery is seismic and crushing! And even then they manage to turn all that heaviness into something extremely hallucinogenic, trippy, atmospheric and droning. An album fated to bring their brilliance out into the open for the entire world…

According to all of your votes, on Number 18 we find two albums:

Sacri Monti – Retrieval    


Ufomammut – Hidden    


Sacri Monti Bandcamp

Sacri Monti Facebook

Sacri Monti Instagram

Tee Pee Records 



Ufomammut Bandcamp

Ufomammut Facebook

Ufomammut Instagram

Ufomammut Homepage

Neurot Recordings

Number 19



Number 19

The Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown of 2024 started with Number 20 yesterday and we rocked out with EMU on that spot according to all of your votes. Today we continue with Number 19, where we find an album that was featured on many of the lists and even high on most of the lists that entered our inbox during the first days. Giving it an early lead and perhaps it should have stayed there for their progressive metal riffing is otherworldly. Imploring sludge tones and death touches the new album is a return to the front of everyone’s attention after having stepped out of it for some eight years. Personal issues and a line-up change stopped the band for period in time, but that period full of trial and tribulations might also have made this albums so good once again. Opening up the horizon for more, more reach, more scope and a much opener and grander sound. Although there is still some of that earlier complex and dense structuring to be found as well, along with growling grunts and blast beat drums. Offset by highly emotive vocal lines and wonderful slow paced or seventies inspired prog meandering, the album shines like a dark and twisted sun. Cause yes, the pulsating, technical crushing sludge is never that far away…

According to all of your votes, on Number 19 we find:

Anciients – Beyond the Reach of the Sun




Season of Mist

zaterdag 14 december 2024

Number 20


Number 20

The final few hours gave this self-titled album enough points to stay the course. Fifteen points above Number 21. Hailing from Australia this trio delivers the good rock ‘n roll of yore! The proto metal, the seventies inspired blues rock, the psychedelic power riffing! There’s magic happening on these six tracks. A desperate swagger like a vagabond on too much hooch and a groove that wants to let you know that it’s all happening once again. Grow them bangs out and get your bellbottoms on. Sure, a New Age is coming, but it sounds like the golden age of rock ‘n roll and then as pure and as glistening as it comes. That guitar work, so powerful, soaring leads, riffs that feel like pure hardrock pummeling and wild solo’s! Wild, as the vocals often are as well, like a drifter wildman howling about the end of the world. Bass work that opts for a boogie line one minute, follows the melody the next or stomps along with the drums. That ever changing approach works like voodoo, casts a spell on you and makes you feverish. And those drums show you that resistance is futile, there’s too much energy, too much intensity and rapid fire movement not to get completely hooked…

According to all of your votes, on Number 20 we find:

Emu – Emu




The Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown of 2024



The Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown of 2024

And so it begins…

We have passed the 12:00 CET deadline on December the 14th of 2024. We tallied all the votes and the results are in! No less than 218 lists came in through the email, phone, instagram and messenger, which is only a few less than last year. It was great seeing a couple of albums constantly switch places. And seeing a Number One run away with the votes. A Number Two carry away a lot of votes. Same goes for the Number Three. And the Four, Five and Six duking it out. And a few more spots switching it up or jump minor points to get to the Number 20. Some 728 albums received votes and they all deserve that vote for sure…

So, my thanks goes out, like every year, to all those amazing bands and artists who provided us with so much incredible music, so much musical mojo, that we all love so dearly. Personally, I reckon music comes closest to that thing people call magic! We also thank the labels that release those albums, the PR people that promote them and you all: the listeners and the voters! Thank you all! So, the deadline for the Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown of 2024 has passed! It’s time for Number 20! According to all of your votes, a grand total of 218 lists received!

A massive thanks to everyone for sending your list. The ones that sent their Top 5’s, their Top 10’s, Top 20’s or detailing 30 or even a few more great and favorite albums. Thanks! Thanks and thanks a million! We love it! We love you! And now, we go on to reveal the Number 20 of 2024! The Number 20 according to all you crazies out there who decided to vote for the Countdown this year!

So… without further ado… (drumroll!)

We give you, according to all of your votes,

Number 20!

vrijdag 13 december 2024

The Final 24 Hours!



The Final 24 Hours!

This is not a dramatic episode about the final day of one of your heroes. Nope, this is a final call for your End Of Year lists! You have 24 Hours as of now to send your list of (however many) favorite albums of 2024 to our email! For on Saturday we start the Stoner HiVe Top 20 Countdown of 2024 with Number 20! Twenty Four Hours! Cause, yes, we've moved the deadline to 12:00 CET tomorrow!

We’ve already received an amazing amount of lists! On the verge of reaching the amount of yesteryear. So, a massive thanks to everyone who already sent one. But there is still time if you haven’t!

Send your list of favorite albums, it does not matter how many or how few, to:


We started doing this back in 2009 and have always hoped to receive more lists with every year that passes… Thank you all for participating… Number 20 according to all YOUR votes that come in will be published on Saturday 14th December, after 12:00 CET. (Depending on how many lists you all keep sending and how much work there will be left to do after that time...) 

ps. Want to read up on past editions?

Visit the blog and see posts like:

The Countdown So Far...

Or the Number One Posts...