So as we enter March and leave the Dutch Courage Month behind there is a pressing need to start talking about all the albums, demos and EP’s the various bands have sent our way. But before we do that I feel the inspired need to give you all one last Belgian treat. And so we do just that. Do you know the Muffler Men? The Muffler Men? The Muffler Men! I said, do you know the Muffler Men? The Muffler Men! They started around 2008 and live somewhere near Gent. And on their first record Trigger And Fly they grace us with ten radio friendly rock song that never become too poppy but entertain to the maximum. With overtones of extremely catchy Queens Of The Stone Age riffing, vocals and a Foo Fighters sentiment the trio knows how to build up a song. And with the productional help from the likes of Brian Gardner (Bowie, QOTSA, Foo) there is not a fill too much or an accent too little. And just when you think these guys got the pop structure trick down, but do they know more? They go ahead and surprise with the instrumental free for all track All Dressed Up. Energetic, addictive and not at all subdued; the Muffler Men…
4 uur geleden
Alternative rock in a perfect pop structure. I wish the radio WOULD play this kind of music more often.