Founded in the capital of Italy in 2007, the Bud Spencer Blues Explosion is a duo that knows where to seek out the best blues mustard and incorporate that into their own garage soul. Ofcourse there is something reminiscent of the White Stripes here; for they two were a duo celebrating the roots of all music. But Bud is less sophisticated, much more raw and visceral and above all has an incredibly funky punk spirit. It has that open vibe similar to everything Cato Salsa does and vibrates like some long lost seventies diamond. It’s a buckshot full of adrenaline and highly energetic. And then there are those little flirts with electronics and samples; weird and extremely sunny. Like a laid-back late spring afternoon filled with wine-coolers and lazy lovemaking… One can only imagine what their live shows must be like…
16 uur geleden
Absolutely smashing!