Unless Lemmy topples over one of these days for some reason or another; one thing will always remain and absolute surety; a new Motörhead album will always be released and will sound like all the others. But in honor of founding their own label; the thirty-five year existence of the band and their twentieth studio-album the holy fire seems to be burning as bright as ever; or even brighter! The Wörld is Yours sounds inspired and the quality of the songs is much higher then on many or the albums preceding this one. Among those Rock ’N Roll Music, Brotherhood of Man and Bye Bye Bitch Bye Bye are the absolute winners. Full throttle attack is the battle cry and the weapons are grimy riffs and savage thundering drums. Splendid album by the Motörmen! And let’s wish a day full of loose women and a truckload of liquor for reaching the retirement age! Hear, hear honorable Kilmister!
Bronco - Bronco (Album Review)
1 uur geleden
Indeed; very good album!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLet's hope the old geeks stay around to make more of these beauties!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNice album, since I got it I haven't stop listening it. I'm not going to be able to see Motorhead this thursday, fuck it!
Dead on... Always good to see Lemmy deliver something good!