In March of this year it has come to pass that an incredible drummer named Thierry ‘Chaos’ Bellaire passed away. A monument of a skin-hitter and one who played the part of rhythm-master in many of Nijmegen's rockcity bands. We name a Sixteen Stiches Iscariot, Love Kills, Maximum Bob, Ultimate Sabotage and last but certainly not least the Tyrants of The Ancient Law. A very promising trio of which there is hardly any music to be found. The no-nonsense-let’s-Rock approach of the threesome gets help of lingering memories of Hawkwind, The Damned and Brant Bjork. But its mostly their own sound that makes one long for more; lovely empty and bold riffs and extremely tight drums. Unfortunately the loss of such a drummer will spell the end of the Tyrants…. If they wish to continue on without him is unknown… And will never be the same…
Bronco - Bronco (Album Review)
4 uur geleden
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