zondag 2 maart 2025

Ironrat – Beneath It All



Ironrat – Beneath It All
Argonauta Records – 2025
Metal, Stoner, Doom
Rated: ****

Bradford, UK born Ironrat has been around in some shape or form for many a year. Releasing that gritty Monument album back in 2014. A quintet back then, they are now a four-piece. Still featuring a core three of Wayne Hustler on guitar, Stuart Hillman on bass and Martin Wiseman (a name you might know from Psychlona) on guitar and vocal duties. Cause vocalist Chris Flear left as well as drummer Lee Durham, now replaced by Gordon Wilkinson. The four forged Beneath It All out of fiery metal, often grunge or sludge toned, doom infused and stoner touched. The groove is ever-present and in headbanging fashion. They have that chugging and trucking element mastered but also change that up with some moments of dynamic energy. And that bass work, flourishes underneath that concrete riffage, just check out the excellent Tip Of My Tongue track for instance. An excellent atmospheric break setting you up for that final stretch of steam rolling ruckus, with a bass that is allowed to wander and scurry. Like a rat! Third track and single Lost is stoner metal by default. Sports great vocals by Wiseman, but also calming and soaring harmonies later on in the track. Showing promise of even more possibilities for the future. Beneath It All has everything to give the Ironrat four a podium to build on. And a stage to conquer us all!

(Written by JK)




Argonauta Records

Grand Sounds PR

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