woensdag 4 september 2024

Forgotten King – The Seeker



Forgotten King – The Seeker
Majestic Mountain Records – 2024
Rock, Stoner, Doom, Metal
Rated: ****

Here we are again, professing how much we were honored for the fact that we were allowed to premiere the first single Lost back in July. And we are even more proud of the fact that tomorrow we are asked to do the same for the FULL ALBUM PREMIERE of Forgotten King’s debut album The Seeker. Out on Majestic Mountain Records on Friday the 6th, you can hear the full album a day early on Stoner HiVe! And what an album, The Seeker opens with the ruddy, high viscose and shadow dappled stoner rhythmic Deadbeat. Immediately striking a chord in the heart of every heavy rock loving fiend, for the nod is huge and the doom rides the groove like there’s no tomorrow. It's blues infatuation seems to steer this track forward and moves at a different, read minutely faster, speed than the rest of the album. For most of it is set in the more contemplative, doom and sluggish tempo. Although there’s always third track Around The Corner as well, which moves at a similar pace. The shortest song on the album, barrels down the middle of stoner highway, and seems to serve as the setup for dragging, slower doom that fills the rest of the album. The ten minute long Drag is as introspective as it is atmospheric, building that surrounding wall that seems to grow larger and larger, looming over you like a gargantuan tower about to topple. The shadow that swells to gargantuan proportions, aided by harsh vocals almost starts to swallow you whole. And somewhere in the middle of all that came before you have a track like Sun, slowly setting up this labyrinthian scene where its easy for you to let lost. Cloudy and turbid, the different parts seems to shift and change within itself, leading you ever further down the rabbit hole. Where only closing track The Watcher awaits. Open and inviting, the solemn and foggy intro is no less mysterious and as the vocals spin its tale the movement comes in, turning the track slowly towards the arc, the edge, ever more towards the edge. And then you realize it has passed like a sudden hurtling-down. And you will feel touched, art is thought, but sometimes you can feel more if you listen to it sideways and in doing so find out as much about what’s inside you...

(Written by JK)

If you can wait till tomorrow, we shall have the FULL ALBUM PREMIERE forForgotten King’s debut album The Seeker. But you can already listen to two singles right now…




Majestic Mountain Records

Good Boy PR

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