It is of course a damn freakin shame that the Dutch sensation Powervice wasn’t around for very long; but as all know; one’s demise is the other’s start. And from the ashes of what was Powervice rose no less then three damn good bands. We name a Hooghwater, The Devil’s Blood and now there’s Willem Vanderbuyst’s new group: Vanderbuyst. The name alone makes one think about those good old days when the hardrock bands were named after the main guitarplayer. Vandenberg, Vanhalen; glorious days of old. And now there is Vanderbuyst that makes you relive those awesome times of long wavy hair, intense riffing and endless guitarsolo’s. Selim Lemouchi of The Devil’s Blood stops by to deliver one of those solos’s on prize-song Tiger. Hell, just enjoy these authentic eighties and seventies hardrock songs and don’t dwell to long on the fact you cut your hair…
maandag 31 januari 2011
Vanderbuyst – Vanderbuyst
It is of course a damn freakin shame that the Dutch sensation Powervice wasn’t around for very long; but as all know; one’s demise is the other’s start. And from the ashes of what was Powervice rose no less then three damn good bands. We name a Hooghwater, The Devil’s Blood and now there’s Willem Vanderbuyst’s new group: Vanderbuyst. The name alone makes one think about those good old days when the hardrock bands were named after the main guitarplayer. Vandenberg, Vanhalen; glorious days of old. And now there is Vanderbuyst that makes you relive those awesome times of long wavy hair, intense riffing and endless guitarsolo’s. Selim Lemouchi of The Devil’s Blood stops by to deliver one of those solos’s on prize-song Tiger. Hell, just enjoy these authentic eighties and seventies hardrock songs and don’t dwell to long on the fact you cut your hair…
vrijdag 28 januari 2011
Emperors – Demo
As we have said many times before already; Nijmegen is the new hotbed of true rock. This we can for instance hear when we listen to the band that used to be known under the name Emperors of The Black; and are now going on under the new shortened name: Emperors. Founded in 2005 the band used to play mostly covers by bands such as Kyuss, Fu Manchu, Blind Dog, Karma To Burn, Black Sabbath and many more from the bordering genres. With the new name and their own songs ready; the band is ready for a second beginning. A demo with four songs shows them the way. A roadmap through the stonerlandscape; executed by the five gentlemen who already earned their stripes in Bambix, Intero, Stentorian and Phantom Puercos. It is a tight mix of stoner with metal influences; and we all know that this can’t be wrong. And in this case it is again very true; except maybe that of the four songs nothing really lingers in your mind. But on all other fronts; this is righteous stuff and we look forward to a full-sized album!
donderdag 27 januari 2011
Krach – Krach
Maybe its a little bit of a strange bite to put on this blog; but still… It needs to be done. The once again hailing from Nijmegen, Holland five piece band Krach is now called Krach and no longer known as With Ice. The guys received a helping and very audible hand in production by honorable Torre Florim (De Staat) and chose to implement a lot of elektro in their former sound which could by typecast as jumpy indie rock. It results in a few very good moments; though not enough to really enjoy long. The sound somehow does not feel very convincing and seems to be more used to sell the ‘image’ of a highly interesting band. The mixture of rock, elektro and a small dash of stonerpop is of course a good one and will probably hail all kinds of mad dancing by the drunken freaks in the venue’s; but it does not herald a very interesting listening experience at home. Although we must confess that the sound explosions that now and again molest the ambling songs do sound inspired!
dinsdag 25 januari 2011
Dewolff – Dewolff
An amount of about three other bands of which the three amigo’s were in some way a part of still sort of existed when the aptly named debut-EP of the from the Netherlands hailing Dewolff was released. But since the EP was received with so much esteem, feathers and plume it was soon over for INFA, Hanging Tree and Reckless Pilots. Which is only just; since the EP is filled with incredible sixties and seventies rock grafted on bands like Cream and Led Zeppelin. These young wolves know where to steal the mustard and make the sound their own. Authentic rock which looks back to its roots without becoming a retro pastiche. A truly sublime collection of songs that can only be topped by a full album… Which then of course appears a year later…
Dewolff – Strange Fruits and Undiscovered Plants

Dewolff – Strange Fruits and Undiscovered Plants
REMusic – 2009
Waardering: ****
In 2008 I was pleasantly surprised by the self-titled EP of the threesome hailing from the province called Limburg in the south of the Netherlands called Dewolff; and now there is a full album to enjoy. With a title like Strange Fruits and Undiscovered Plants there is simply only one direction to go from there: that off insane trips and psychedelic journeys. The music is exactly right for the era of discovery and musical innovation; that may now be called nostalgic. Sixties and seventies rock heroes like Cream, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Pink Floyd once exhumed. These young guns sound like they experienced it all themselves and the album as if it is the next record of a selection of wool dyed rock giants. And they’ve only just begun and at a very young age; but when you are able to write like this then music must be part of your genes and flowing freely in your blood. Less raw as the EP; but just as good. And how can it not be with such luscious use of the Hammond!
maandag 24 januari 2011
Dewolff – Orchards / Lupine
After only the few first tones it is immediately clear that the three Dutch gentlemen of the band Dewolff mean business. Their second full length album Orchards / Lupine is not just the next album in a line of so many psychedelic retro rock albums; it is that typical seventies sound re-invented and pushed into a progressive gear several speeds lower than usually the case. This causes a calming, though inspiring listening experience. It makes you bob along on an endless rippling ocean of sound. Where rippling does not stand for uninteresting but for subtle and with endless finesse executed compositions. The psychedelic storm that rises on occasion through the form of guitar-explosions and organ-extravaganza intensifies the listening experience and gives the feeling of being part of an extraordinary adventure. And let’s not forget about the vocals and drums; cause there is not a fill too much and certainly not too little. The progression of singer Pablo van de Poel is incredible; his sound has become disarming, mature and pure. Orchards / Lupine is a grand album without the delusions that sometimes go with it…
woensdag 19 januari 2011
Anavarin – Morning Haze
Anavarin hails from the dark and bloody grounds of Nijmegen; the city that has long since captured the rockcity flag; sped off with it and left Eindhoven to inhale their fumes. Its a five piece stoner rock formation that wants to incorporate some progressive influences. Which usually shine through more live than on this Morning Haze ep from 2007. Founded in 2005 the band quickly found a following in their hometown area and was able to release a first live-ep in 2006 called Among The Crowd. Morning Haze however shows more maturity and although it sounds a bit bleak in moments it does shine through like a solid effort. Its groovy rock with multiple vocals lines; which do not always convince (probably due to their age); but it’s always in the vein of Queens of The Stone Age; Porcupine Tree and Colour Haze. I do wonder however what happened to the band; cause after 2008 things go pretty quiet… (Last thing heard was that bassplayer Susan left the band; and two others were found to replace her…)
Dutch Courage Month…
Inspired by the great work Insane Riez does on his Blog and the compilation he once presented; we will dedicate each February to the Dutch brothers. Which will mean that all bands (or nearly all) will have some sort of link with the Lowlands… Aah yes; I reckon the brave Flemish freaks should also share in the glory; cause they too produce true and honest heavy riffs… Most of which will probably be known by one and all; but maybe… Just maybe there will be one or two virtually unknown ones… And just as a little pre-taste of all that is about to come…
donderdag 13 januari 2011
Rhino Bucket – Who’s Got Mine?
Last year I saw Rhino Bucket perform in my hometown for a handful of drunken muppets and a horse’s head and almost thought I was somehow transported to extra footage of the dvd Anvil: The Story of Anvil. Cause Rhino Bucket is also a completely forgotten band and one that has regretfully completely missed the boat. Unjustly so; as Joel O’Keeffe of Airbourne already told me once: “Rhino Bucket, Fuck yeah!” But right after their ‘wonderful’ European tour the guys entered the studio as one of the only not Australian Pub Rock bands to record their sixth true album Who’s Got Mine? since 1987. (Thanks to helping hand platform On this album they are joined by drummer Anthony ‘Tiny’ Biuso of Hed(Pe) and True Sounds of Liberty. The result is archetypical pub rock and the pure Rhino Bucket ode to this style of music. No-nonsense, straight forward, working man’s rock. Drink, party and pass out!
dinsdag 11 januari 2011
The Amount of Votes the top 20 received…
The last and final post about the Ultimate Stoner HiVe top 20 albums list of 2010 will feature the top 20 and the amount of people who voted for them. It is time to stop looking back and start looking forward. Cause there will be some great freakin tunes released in 2011; we can be sure of that. I might be posting all the sent in lists in the reactions to this post though; since a few freaks asked about them. Not sure if it will add to the fun or has any merit; but hey; Stoner HiVe is there to honor all you freaks out there. You ask; we spin…
Electric Wizard - Black Masses -- 9
Been Obscene - The Magic Table Dance -- 8
Sasquatch – III -- 8
The SWORD - Warp Riders -- 8
Karma To Burn - Appalachian Incantation -- 8
The Machine – Drie -- 7
Brant Bjork - Gods & Goddesses -- 8
Monobrow - st. -- 4
Black Bombain - Saturdays and Space Travels -- 5
Motorpsycho - Heavy Metal Fruit -- 10
Egocentrics - Love Fear Choices And Astronauts -- 5
Solace - A.D. -- 5
The Black Angels - Phosphene Dream -- 5
Monster Magnet – Mastermind -- 9
Wheelfall - From The Blazing Sky At Dusk EP -- 5
Re-Stoned - Revealed Gravitation -- 4
Black Mountain - Wilderness Heart -- 6
White Hills - st. -- 4
The Black Keys – Brothers -- 8
Endless Boogie - full house head -- 4
woensdag 5 januari 2011
The Number Ones
These are all the ones that got voted number one by anyone of you freaks out there; and ofcourse with the amount it got voted to be number one behind it. And as you can see; there are some mighty broad and weird tastes among us. Which is always a good thing. Cause it never got weird enough for me!
Been Obscene - The Magic Table Dance 4
The Black Angels - Phosphene Dream 2
Bongripper – Satan Worshipping Doom 2
Electric Wizard – Black Masses 2
Earthride - Something Wicked 1
The Sword - Warp Riders 1
Tweak Bird – Tweak Bird 1
Sasquatch – III 1
Inquisition - Ominous Doctrinesm Of The Perpetual... 1
Keef - Stoned To Doom 1
Black Bombaim - Saturdays And Space Travels 1
Monobrow – Monobrow 1
Ayslum on The Hill – Passage To The Puzzle Factory 1
Year Long Disaster - Black Magic; All Mysteries Revealed 1
Anathema - We're Here Because We're Her 1
Bonobo - Black Sands 1
Monster Magnet – Mastermind 1
The Eighties Matchbox B--Line Disaster - Blood & Fire 1
Swans – My Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope To The Sky 1
Off With Their Heads – In Desolation 1
Tame Impala – Innerspeaker 1
Junip – Fields 1
Maserati – Pyramid of The Sun 1
The Riot Before – Rebellion 1
Spiritual Beggars - Return to Zero 1
Electric Orange - Krautrock from Hell 1
The National – High Violet 1
The Black Keys – Brothers 1
Johnny Cash – American VI : Ain’t No Grave 1
Porcupine Tree – Anesthetize 1
dinsdag 4 januari 2011
The Red Lantern
Holding the Red Lantern; the ones that received one point and one point only; the ones that got voted for only once and on the 20th position of a sent in list. Maybe because there were so many releases this year or maybe it was because it escaped most of everyone’s attention or maybe they are on the fringe of this thing we call rock in honor of the pure heaviness of the riff… Well; at least they still got one point…
Black Space Riders - Black Space Riders
Skånska Mord - The Last Supper
Purling Hiss - Public Service Announcement
Oceansize - Self-Preserved While The Bodies Float Up
Moon Duo - Escape
maandag 3 januari 2011
Missed it by a hair...
Ufomammut – Eve
Numbah Ten - Reborn In 3d
Honcho - Battle Of Wits
Dopefight - Buds
Asteroid – II
Tame Impala – Innerspeaker
Red Giant - Dusfunctional Majesty
Maserati - Pyramid of The Sun
Onwards and upwards in 2011

In honor of all you freaks out there and of course the ones who sent in their top albums list of 2010 I will in the course of this week provide some statistics and fun facts about the Ultimate Stoner HiVe top 20 albums list of 2010. I once again thank all of you for sending in their list and hope that each and every one of you will send in theirs again once December 2011 rolls around. And of course I hope to receive even more then; making the list more and more valid with each passing year. So to start these last few ditties off; we will start with listing the ten albums that did not make the list with only one or a few points less then Endless Boogie…