Number 10
We are entering the top 10; ladies and gentlemen! (Hey; that rhymes!) And we do this with a band that has been around for a while. And these guys honor that fact with producing a record that sounds like it was made even way before their start. It sounds like the heavy rock of the sixties and seventies is rejuvenated and mixed with the desert rock sound of the band that was the start of this band; Fu Manchu. Laid back rock that touches all the bases that make this genre so freakin great: heavy riffs, space-rock, psychedelica, worldly influences, desert feels, bluesy solo’s and lounge moments that make lounge lizards crap their pants… Released in 2008 as a six, seven and eight song counting EP; this is the 2009 version with ten songs. Aah yes; this is some aptly named Heavy Psych…
Nebula – Heavy Psych

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