
woensdag 28 augustus 2024

Fringe Sociology – Karma Carcass, Soul Queen


 Video and Single debut, Premiere

Fringe Sociology – Karma Carcass, Soul Queen

Are you always searching? You looking for something out there? Something off center? Weird? Crazy? Not easily explained? Look no further and head off on a little jaunt with Fringe Sociology! It’s their debut single Karma Carcass, Soul Queen and we are completely honored to Premiere this wicked little ditty for you all. The main cats behind all this scheming is Lars Carlberg from Grandier and Bokor and drummer Hampus Landin. And together they produce some bizarre yet utterly tantalizing ruckus. Metal, with sludge, doom, thrash and industrial. Something tribalistic at work and sounds that carry with it some ancient secret knowledge, Fringe Sociology has discovered something... And will howl it in  your ear...

“It's really just an excuse for hanging out and having a few beers. But we've recorded and mixed most of an album ranging from some kind of sludge to Pink Floyidish crap. We shot an awesome/terrible video of one song that we think actually kicks ass.”

“The band is me and Hampus Landin at the moment. We've been hanging out in our studio now and then, having a few beers and writing, rewriting, rerecording, remixing stuff since... early 2022? I do the guitars, bass and vocals and Hampus does drums and other assorted stuff. He's also very involved in artwork and production. We've been nagging people to do some guest stuff, like fancy guitar solos and shit, but nobody seems to want anything to do with us, hahaha! (Except for an old friend laying down some amazing keyboard stuff on one song)."

"I started Fringe Sociology as some kind of placeholder dump for trying out stuff, back in 2018. Music but also some writing, photography and other creative stupid hobbies. Part of the fun is learning how to produce shit from scratch all the way to the finished release, never done the whole lot ourselves before. We've got the luxury of being part of a small music association that runs a studio, making it possible. Lately we've been thinking about doing some Fringe Sociology live, yeah, but we're being sidetracked all the time. Like with this video that started out with Hampus having that ugly pig mask, and then we got an old friend to act out his secret loathing for everything and everybody. And I got to learn more about how to cut video and mess shit up with filters and bad light and stuff. Betrayer-Kreator-feeling, haha. We're "unsigned" as of now, whatever that means these days? We've got an album kinda finished, just two more songs to go. And half of an EP. There's always one or two more songs to go. Someway or other we'll get our shit together and release more stuff, probably the album, during 2024. It's done when it's done, as they say...”

Video sponsored by NorseNomad brewery, starring master brewer Håkan in a pig mask. No other people or animals were hurt or involved in this production.



Blues Pills – Birthday



Blues Pills – Birthday
Throwdown Entertainment – 2024
Rated: ***

It’s their fourth album and yet another one that might propel them ever forward to a bigger audience. Blues Pills has evolved from that gritty seventies inspired, bluesy, hard rocking outfit that was as classy as it was soulful. But the Swedish four are rounded out, more pop sensible and now able to rock every stage, stadium and festival. They can play everywhere and get every crowd moving! The new one is called Birthday, in part named that way because vocalist Elin Larsson found out she was pregnant during the writing and recording sessions. Has it brought an extra heartbeat full of glee and smiles to the record? It does sound like it, cause it is forever sunnier and even more danceable. Even though we do get to hear her grit her teeth and sing she’s ‘going to ruin someone’s birthday’, ‘how it drives me fucking mad’ and that she will continue to make bad choices. But it all feels aimed to get the entire festival field a moving. The first ballad they roll out is called Top Of The Sky and is a beautifully arranged composition that leaves every second open for Larsson to shine and show off her vocal capabilities. Vocal chords that seem to have gotten even better and more versatile. And it seems the gang knows their strength, cause much of the compositional choices are made in such a way that the vocals are always front and center. All of which leaves little to no room to miss the old Blues Pills you fell in love with. And this is still the Blues Pills you want to grow old with…

(Written by JK)

Erronaut – The Space In Between



Erronaut – The Space In Between
London Doom Collective – 2024
Rock, Stoner, Grunge, Desert

The four piece sonic astronauts of the band Erronaut hail from the United Kingdom, offering an elaborate, expansive, and stunning album with their debut ‘The Space Inbetween’. Filled with that fuzzy stoner sound we all love, cool clean vocals, and melodic hooks both musically and lyrically, the band have weaved together a sound of tranquility that can simultaneously blast you up through the atmosphere.

Erronaut navigates you through a voyage of distorted guitars that spew forth a never-ending fuzz that envelopes the entirety of ‘The Space Inbetween’, but it’s one you’ll never tire from, in fact you’ll embrace. The vocalist has a great tone and voice, almost pushing them to the edge with some throaty rasp to accentuate the heaviness of the choruses, bringing focus to his range as a singer. Passionate, relatable lyrics of introspection, self-reflection, and personal growth engage the listener. There’s an intensity to the drums, every time he hits the skins, you’re well aware of it as the sounds vibrate through your stereo speakers. It’s also an extremely bass-heavy album, purposely dominating at times, with plenty of instances where the instrument takes center stage.

I thought about spoiling it, but I decided not to, I’ll just say the coordinates at the beginning of the album 5.68* N 98.54* E are of importance and what a neat little Easter Egg from the band. Songs like ‘Way Down Below’ and ‘Lost Cause’ are completely unforgettable, fuzzed out tunes with standout bass that are full of melody and spatial expeditions. ‘Dark Horizon’ and particularly ‘Per Contra’ display Erronaut’s grunge influence with melancholy lyrics and tones but with a positive, upbeat tempo and prevailing conclusions. ‘1202’ and ‘Underneath the Sun’ have the stoner rock touch but truly they’re high-quality rock songs with solid arrangements and hooks at the centers. After many listens the two-parter ‘Beyond Sleep Pt. 1&2’ are my favorite tracks, ethereal spacey sounds that create a cascading almost freefalling experience through the heavens with auditory bliss. You won’t want to miss out on this, the journey, the experience, The Space Inbetween.

(Written by Jon McGough)

Listen to the first single Lost Cause now and get ready to adventure through The Space Inbetween as of Friday August 30th!





maandag 26 augustus 2024

Stoner HiVe’s Top 10 Most Listened Artists Last Week…


Stoner HiVe’s
Top 10 Most Listened Artists Last Week…

Mirror Queen
Night Verses
Sharif Dumani

Monday Monday! A week full of promise... Right? After very annoying stuff early in the week, that I still need to figure out how to deal with properly, I only had Thursday to really do some work. Rent paying work and for Stoner HiVe. Felt happy about the amount of work I got done that day, saw that the cool Ronny sent in a review for the ТЯГА album, and thought, let’s save the Castle piece for Friday and put Ronny's work up immediately. Around midday on Friday I wanted to send the rent paying stuff in to the editors and put Castle online. WTF! Nothing got saved and no old versions of the pieces were anywhere to be found. Man, was I steaming… Decided, just in time, to head for the forest instead of throwing the computer out the window… So, that’s why we did very little last week and I am uncertain about the amount this week. Cause it’s a hectic one for all the annoying stuff… But we shall try to do something… Enjoy yer week and go check out the bands above, they all rock hard!

vrijdag 23 augustus 2024

Mammoth Volume – Lisa


Mammoth Volume – Lisa

Out… Today! The new Mammoth Volume album Raised Up By Witches. Released through Blues Funeral Recordings, the album sports nine progressive rock songs, that harken back to the sixties and seventies and all of it stoner and heavy toned. Well, except for Sången Om Ymer perhaps and Lisa… And guess what, they’ve just released a video for the most off center track on the album, Lisa. Crazy Lisa

PR Wire:

Sweden's jazzy and progressive stoner torchbearers MAMMOTH VOLUME release their new album "Raised Up By Witches" on Blues Funeral Recordings and present a new video for the song "Lisa" today.

Mammoth Volume return with a new album that harnesses their absolute fluency with the somehow compatible genres of 70s progressive rock and modern stoner riffage. The result is an absorbing trek through head-nodding grooves, wispy instrumentation and quirky brilliance that's riveting. Mammoth Volume has made it their brand to go unexpected places and take constant delightful turns pretty much every time we think we've got them pegged, and "Raised Up By Witches" is a seamless and exhilarating new trip where they're basically the only vehicle on the road.

About the "Lisa" visualizer, the band says: "Truth be told, the music for ”Lisa” was written instrumentally. If memory serves, the working title was something like ”¾ swing” – descriptive but not very poetic or narrative. When it came time to record the song we obviously had to come up with some lyrics. About three-quarters of the lyrics was prepared, but we still had to fill out the rest as we were recording the vocals in the studio. That’s when we (spoiler warning!) thought to rhyme ”way” with ”gay”. We double-checked to make sure the lyrics couldn’t be conceived as homophobic, then we celebrated: an actually decent song lyric, with a twist at the end! Then (and only then) it occurred to us that there is a 60’s film called ”David and Lisa” that deals with some of the themes in the song: mental illness, tragic romance, and most notably a girl named LISA! Lucky for us that movie was in the public domain. In an inspired rush of creativity, a screenplay was written to match scenes in the movie with the lyrics of the song. BOOM! One of our better moments is born. They matched up pretty well if we may say so ourselves. Shit happens."




Blues Funeral Recordings


donderdag 22 augustus 2024




Self-released - 2024
Stoner, Doom, Grunge, Gothic
Rated: ****

ТЯГА hail from Yekaterinburg, a Russian city just east of the Ural mountains. With its long and cold winters, it's not the first place you associate with the blistering heat of some tasty groove-driven music. Yet, that's exactly what they produce on their self-titled debut album. You need something to keep you warm, right? And warm it will keep you, even though the core is a fairly standard mix of doom and stoner with an occasional nod to grunge, like for example the feel and chord progression in the brooding '404'. What sets them apart from the pack is the overall atmosphere: the haunting melodies, the impeccable execution and (especially) singer Jackie.

When you isolate her clear voice (with an at times slightly ragged edge) from the rest, it immediately becomes clear how seemingly effortless she transitions from the lower to the higher registers and back. She could make every generic alternative pop song sound cool and would also fit nicely in a gothic metal band. And although normally these kind of vocals wouldn't be the best fit for a band like ТЯГА, it works like a charm here, mainly because they made the bold decision to sing in their native Russian language. It's somewhat rougher sounding than English and that seems to be the missing piece to the puzzle. Heck, it even becomes mesmerizing - these angelic vocals that sometimes seem to battle the heavy, distorted, low-end rumble, while at other times they end up in a symbiotic marriage. Great examples of that duality can be found throughout the whole album but are most present in the final two songs 'Утроба' and 'Оазис'. Like ТЯГА are taking the audience on a sonic road trip where they slowly introduce them to their unique sound while gradually dragging their travel companions deeper and deeper into the experience to finally leave a lasting impression. It's a perfect example of how craftsmanship, confidence and determination can make a potentially run of the mill album a great one.

(Written by Ronny Dijksterhuis)


Mirror Queen - Closing The Gap


Mirror Queen - Closing The Gap 

The lovely Mirror Queen is back with a new album called Dying Days, out on Tee Pee Records on September 27th. And out for a week or two now, the first single Closing The Gap. Classic rock, the heavy kind, with that lovely seventies progressive touch and a bit more metal influences as well. And why yes, a bit of psychedelica as well, giving it all the free rock experience you are looking for. Right?


PR wire:

Influenced by Hawkwind, Deep Purple, BÖC, and Captain Beyond, venerable NY-based rockers, Mirror Queen, return this September with their fifth studio album on Tee Pee Records; Dying Days.
Formed from the ashes of long running NYC band Kreisor, Mirror Queen kicked off their tenure in 2011 with a successful European tour – prowling many of the same boards their former outfit stalked – in support of their impressive debut, From Earth Below. Inspired by that steadfast, hard rock of old and the burgeoning neo-psych of Swervedriver and Motorpsycho, Mirror Queen’s mission was to craft magic of the highest order. Performing at countless festivals and touring the world with labelmates The Atomic Bitchwax, Earthless and Danava (for 2015’s Scaffolds of the Sky), if there was any doubt as to where their steely sound was forged, it’s live and in front of a raucous crowd.
Due for release this fall, Dying Days offers a heady mix of psych, prog, and NWOBHM-isms and counts UFO, Wishbone Ash, and Iron Maiden amongst its influences. Their primary intent is to shoot their audience through a cannon of volume, hooks, and timeless riffs as frontman Kenny Kreisor explains:
“With Dying Days we've explored more progressive and melodic aspects of the band, without losing any of that Marshall crunch and metallic sheen. As always, our aim is to craft songs that can be cranked where it matters; live and in your headphones!"
Stream Mirror Queen’s storming new single ‘Closing the Gap’ ahead of the official release of Dying Days on 27th September through Tee Pee Records.




Tee Pee Records

dinsdag 20 augustus 2024

Stoner HiVe’s Top 10 Most Listened Artists Last Week…



Stoner HiVe’s
Top 10 Most Listened Artists Last Week…

Sun & Sail Club
Joan As Police Woman
Hans Hjelm
Bobbie Dazzle
The Ghost Next Door

Morning everyone! This post usually goes up on Monday, but as usual, stuff and an interview with Ugly Kid Joe got in the way. They always do. They rocked the stage and were tight as hell. Pre-show Virgin Prozak was also pretty damn good with their weird mix of everything heavy. Looking back at the week we did a Quick Fire Friday session, finished the Stoner Hype for July post and we’re honored to premiere the debut Cobranoid album! What a scorcher! The new and wonderful Tusmørke album got mentioned and the Castle single 100 Eyes. And the totally frightened Ronny wrote about Absorb. And during the weekend we finally published the review for the new Psychlona album Warped Vision. And we had hoped to have the Phil Hey interview about that album finished by now. But it might take a few more days. The rent needs to get paid unfortunately… Let’s hope we finish it quickly and can do more this week! Enjoy the sun and check out them albums in the Top 10 Most Listened list, they’re all worth it!

zaterdag 17 augustus 2024

Psychlona – Warped Vision



Psychlona – Warped Vision
Magnetic Eye Records – 2024
Rock, Stoner, Psych, Space, Blues
Rated: *****

It sounded off, from islands, across oceans, capturing everyone’s attention immediately. Their debut album Mojo Rising from 2018 kicked down the door for Psychlona to burst through, shining and radiant and have a righteous launching platform to explode from. And in the space of merely three albums they carved out a name for themselves and their sound. Stepping up their game with each release. Venus Skytrip was a huge jump from that already damn fine debut album. And Palo Verde notched it up even more. And coming out September 27th, through Magnetic Eye Records, is their fourth album: Warped Vision. With half the band calling it quits, a new album is always a big deal. Vocalist, guitarist and founder Phil Hey and drummer Scott ‘Jamie’ Frankling are still there and from Lazarus Blackstar they got Martin Wiseman to join on guitar and backing vocals and from that same band Ian ‘Izak’ Buxton is now on bass duties. It’s a big deal a new album. And an even bigger deal now perhaps. Both the members and the fans won’t know exactly what to expect, where the sound will go and how it will all work out. Well, don’t worry, it’s all there and more.

In fact, they could have opened the album with single Let’s Go, which has that Psychlona signature sound you love. It winks at Blast Off, but instead of taking it into the space, they take it to the floor. It’s not a drifter, a soaring song like Blast Off, but a donut screeching, propellent that still revs you up in a similar fashion as Blast Off did. But they decided to open with Jasmine. The newest single and perhaps the logical track to immediately fall in love with. More languid than Let’s Go, Jasmine will immediately get your head a nodding, with that drum and bass work. Before the guitar jumps in you are already deep in the flow of Jasmine. The riff enters, the guitar with its lovely whammy, transitioning into a more direct and pushing riff. And then vocalist Phil Hey enters the fold with that vocal effect that has become another one of the Psychlona calling cards. Taking it all into a gleeful whirling and dancing section. Even when it all slows down and its just the guitar sounding off, you still feel like spinning around. It’s the perfect opener once again, something the boys from Bradford seem to have a knack for. The already mentioned Let’s Go continues in this vein, taking it all up a notch and then transitioning into that other side of Psychlona they do so well with the following third track. The intensely groovy and relaxed, chill out in the festival sun, cloudless summer afternoon, kind of track: Smoke. The ease with which it is delivered, the nostalgic vibe, it all adds to the pure enjoyment of Smoke. And even though some of the lyrical content on the album may not be completely carefree there are still stories within them stories, and you can take them for your own and spin your own tales with them. 

Which is a definite extra edge to a lot of the new tracks, the lyrics are on one level deeper, sadder and heavier, but can also be heard through a different lens, giving it the ability to be warped into whatever story you want to hear. Although a track like Split will always be heavy hearted whatever it turns out to mean for you. On the other side of that coin sits storytelling Topanga, which will always be about a certain murderous cult from that area, even if the sounds surrounding the tale are warm and nostalgic once again. A paradox in its own, you almost long for the days of said cult and almost would have loved to be a part of it. And whenever tales of loss, betrayal or grief enter the scene the music can give it a different edge, it will make you enjoy all those feelings to some extent. Cut Loose’s menacing riffs and choppy drums are there to install this restless itch, and instead of giving you the explosion that would scratch it away, they go mellow and into a drifting end, cutting your loose and letting you float away. The thunderous opening of Topanga, giving away to a nostalgic story time about the Manson Family and giving it a constant level of dread; but once again, so incredibly easy to just enjoy and fall into the universal nod. There is more, more Warped Vision to enjoy and there’s more of Psychlona. And that’s what Warped Vision might become most well-known for, the opening of options for the new Psychlona formation, and the way they’ve sounded off for that universal nod. The bluesier version of that cosmic sound they do so well…. Warped Vision will give you an insight into what Psychlona might eventually become, earth rockers that can conquer the universe…

And check back to Stoner HiVe soon… To see what vocalist, guitarist and founder Phil Hey has to say about the new Psychlona album Warped Vision… “Boredom… Ultimate boredom…

(Written by JK)






Magnetic Eye Records

Palo Verde Review

vrijdag 16 augustus 2024

Stoner HiVe’s Quick Fire Friday



Stoner HiVe’s Quick Fire Friday

Hi my fellow heavy music fiends! It’s been awhile… A while since we did a Quick Fire Friday segment! And with the new Doom Charts Peroration post coming online later on, there will be tons of music for everyone to dig into! Can you handle the deluge? Well, we’ll keep the amount of words about the list below to a minimum. And we know… There is so much out there, so much good and heavy stuff, and we just simply cannot ever do it all justice. But here it is… Another Stoner HiVe Quick Fire Friday! And it burns hot like molten lava!

Orme – No Serpents, No Saviours

And all those times I visited Hertfordshire, I never knew it was bristling with all this heavy underground talent! But Orme (not the Toulouse, France one) is yet another outfit from that area, and they bring you ten ton heaviness in glorious form! The form of a one track, almost twenty-five minute long, death-doom No Serpents, No Saviours. Coming out on August 23rd, this is one big droning extravaganza that will decimate and leave you weak and weary. The unholy whispers being the only respite keeping you from the absolute end of your tether…




PR Trail

Aten – Aten

Australian experimental metal with a droning edge, sludge tones, grindcore and post-metal influences. That’s the Aten project that releases it’s  debut album through Lint Music. Which is only logical since the man behind this project is Brad Hayne the founder of Lint Music founder and Cell Temple. Not to be confused with the death metal outfit Aten from Iceland or the other death metal one from Albania. A lot of Aten, and this Aten is a lot! Not completely wasted by listening to Orme yet?  Well, dive into Aten and be totally obliterated…





Vibravoid – On Empty Streets

Out. Just now! The new single and video On Emptry Streets by psychedelic stalwarts Vibravoid! Taken from their new We Cannot Awake album out August 23rd through Tonzonen Records. It’s their own tasty mixture of neo-kraut and psychedelic rock, urging beats with an eighties touch and signals coming in from a not too distant future or neighboring dimension, dystopian and estranging. But very captivating!




Tonzonen Records

Ghost Frog – Shadow Club

More dystopia for you all! This time coming in from the Portland four named Ghost Frog! The first single Shadow Club for their Galactic Mini Golf album coming out November 5, 2024. A bit of grunge and that lazy nineties alternative, some psych and high fidelity head nod that will surely make you buy multiple copies of this single.




Volume – Joy of Navigation

Patrick Brink (Fu Manchu), Ed Mundell (Monster Magnet), Mike Amster (Nebula, Spoon Benders), Dave Catching, now there’s a list of names that will run a fever instantaneously! It’s Volume and their new single Joy of Navigation of the album with the same name. It comes out November 1st through Golden Robot Records and Kozmik Artifactz. Recorded at Rancho De La Luna it had that desert punk vibe as much as nods back to the sixties. Infectious and kicking out every kind of jam!




In Ashes – Burned & Disposed

Guadalajara, Mexico seems to be a well of inspiration and a cesspool of gritty doom. In Ashes is a new four piece founded in 2023 and Burned & Disposed is their debut two-track release. A filthy atmosphere filled with despair, portrayed by traditional doom and always metal toned. And then they suddenly add this otherworld guitar part in Arson. And open up with all their abilities even more during the majestic Day One track. I need to call Rob Hammer to get him to nail this down!



Your Highness - Fire To The Storm

Out for a month or two, it naturally escaped out attention cause we were on an off grid holiday! But luckily, Your Highness always finds a way to crawl back into your blood! And Fire To The Storm will not just set fire to the storm, but also your blood and soul! Stoner metal, hardcore elements, sludge toned and absolutely wonderful. It’s the first single to the new album Under The Weight, coming out October 11th on Polderrecords.







The July 2024 Doom Charts – 40 to 26


The July 2024 Doom Charts – 40 to 26

  Stoner Hype

We finished listening and jotting down a few words about the Number 40 to 26 in about a week. But then forgot to collect it in this here post. But here we are, collecting what we did on our little
Facebook page right after the new regular edition of the Doom Charts goes online. We count down from 40 to 26 and try to type in a few words about that album or ep that makes sense to us. It’s not a review; but usually a miniscule blurb, a little sentence to entice, to hype. A Stoner Hype… Well, we collected them here to post for you in one nice little post on the blog… Because we like to keep things nice and tidy and it helps us spread the good word about them on Instagram as well…


 "Righteous Man already feels like a cannon blast opening track. But with Rape Of The Poor Üga Büga they will surely capture your mind. Not just because of the weird reminiscing about other songs you heard before that remind you of Rape Of The Poor, but simply because you cannot help diving headfirst into the mud and wallowing around with the rest of the Uga Buga fans! Stunning, the Year Of The Hog has pearls everywhere!"


"It's doom alright. But the kind of doom you get lost in, you dissolve, become one with the dust that slowly covers everything. Eremit’s two part Rise of the Ruan~angh is like a doomed never ending story. You are part of it…"



"Shoegazing yourself out of a black hole with the cosmic doom that is the new Endless Floods album Rites Futurs. It kind of feels like the perfect companion for the Eremit album we heard on 39. Lighter in coloring it’s as huge in scope and arcs as Rise of the Ruan~angh. Rites Futurs is out on Breathe Plastic Records , meditative and contemplative, minimalistic and grandiose. It has everything…"



"You got yourself all worked up over nothing! The grunge is alive, nineties alternative is alive and so is eighties metal. Combine all of those genres, blow it through hints of progressive love and you get Windbag by Bellwether Ritual. Their second four-track EP in a year, and the start of a journey you’re gonna wanna be a part of!"



 "Patriarchsinblack's new album Visioning is out on Metalville Records. The project was formed by former Hades guitarist Dan Lorenzo and former Type O Negative drummer Johnny Kelly. Imploring the aid of different bassplayers and vocalists. Crossover doom metal that crosses over to so many genres it boggles the mind. But it also revives it, just listen to Whiskey On My Mind or Welcome To Hell... Not on their bandcamp yet... But it is on Spotify..."



"The Omen EP is the debut release by Raleigh, North Carolina three Evel! Atavistic stonerrock, all doomed down and punked up! Metal abounds, thrash here, motoring there, the Omen EP has it all! And this is their freaking six track debut! Holy hell!"



 "Argonauta Records naturally and logically found the Italian quartet Fear the Beards! Not just because they're from Italy, but because they produce some damn fine stonerrock! Often drifting towards the hardrock side or the metal side, its the rhythms and the drive that take the cake here. And Space Whale is yet again a freakin debut five track release! The fire keeps on spreading!"


"Listening to Psychedelic Witchcult will prepare you for all the weeping and all the gnashing of teeth to come. Soon after starting their new seven track release They Used Dark Forces, you know it is about to be fulfilled... They will tear out your tongues and scoop out your brains and make you their puppet..."



 "The Egor Lappo imagening Mothman and The Thunderbirds has turned into quite the project over the years. Portal Hopper is the title of the new release and time shifts through every conceivable metal genre in the space of twelve songs. And thanks to the synth work there's always a touch of eighties and something dream-like..."



"Psychedelia from ex-Hawkwind bass, synths and guitar dude, Niall with one Jamie Gillett on drums. It's Lords of Form and their Hypnotise The World release. Electronic, kraut, stoner, psych and feedback that shifts every bone in your body. You wil not be the same afterwards!"



"We jotted down a few words about Espectro de la conciencia's Fin Del Tiempo a few days ago. Read them HERE... Or just press play and become the smoke..."



"Can't get enough of Crown Moulding... Put it on repeat and keep on dancing like a madman! It's Bon Vivant by Boozewa and it was their plan all along!"



"When Jesse Kooker from the amazing Dingir Zu starts his sermon about a certain release, you sit up and listen. You push play and listen. Immediately! And such was the case with the new Seasonofthewitch release Vol. 2. And if you weren't there to hear him preaching, you missed out on the truth of rock 'n roll! For it is alive, gritty, fuzzy and deliriously delicious in the foothills of Appalachia..."



"GAVIAL HAZE has been spinning a lot every since Andy Kovalcik showed us the way. The Swiss four deliver instrumental psych and stoner, and build amazing vistas to traverse through. A country side, a mountain range and field of wild flowers... But that's not all, for they also know how to deliver fuzzed out riffs and a rock out to go wild to!"



"MEIFU's Haunted Dreams released through Argonauta Records is once again an official debut. Highly atmospheric, it touches you immediately. The vocals often take on this mystical wraith like howling, haunting yet exhilarating. There is magic in these tunes, and it's old and dangerous and will surely make your hallucinate..."



Tune in next month when we do this Stoner Hype again for the number 40 to 26 of the August Doom Charts... Live during the weekend on our little Facebook Page or afterwards when we collect them here... But for now... Go listen to all of the 40 of July if you haven't already!