
woensdag 25 december 2024

Number 8



Number 8

Sometimes the jump in points are bigger, for now we jump 128 points from Sergeant Thunderhoof on Number 9 to reach the album on Number 8. An album that will take you to the threshold and without any qualms whatsoever push you over. And there you will fly through an endless and vast universe of Psych, Stoner, Rock, metal and all of its movements are progressive in nature. The textures are different here, the dark brimming with energy and the light flickering like a far off celestial reality blinking in and out of existence. It’s huge, expansive and seems to grow bigger with every listening session. Eight tracks, almost one hour and ten minutes, but they will feel like time stood still and paradoxically enough passed you by in a heartbeat. The path is entirely different here. So it fits, Number 8, having the infinity sign is another weird but poetic testament to the limitlessness of this album…

According to all of your votes, on Number 8 we find: 

Black Pyramid - The Paths of Time are Vast





Totem Cat Records

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