
vrijdag 20 december 2024

Number 13



Number 13

Are you ready for some proto touched doom jive? We leave Fu Manchu on Number 14 and jump 36 points to reach Number 13. Where we find the sophomore album by this Norwegian trio. That vintage, obscure, garage and steamy sound, that hazy and dirty atmosphere, it is all so highly addictive and drags you along a mind trip of gigantic proportions. And it will feel like one psychoactive and occult touched merry go round. Round and round it goes! Gigantic is also a word one can use for the hooks, the riffs and the efficiency in which it is all delivered. The bass that seems to bop from basement walls like the relentless dripping of a leak. And a touch of sinister gives it that ominous feeling, punctuated by the drums that stomp like those evil footsteps in a dark cul de sac in the middle of the night. We might meet the devil there… But before I burn, I need to listen to this album just one more time…

According to all of your votes, on Number 13 we find: 

Magmakammer - Before I Burn





Kozmik Artifactz

Evil Noise Recordings

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