
zaterdag 1 april 2017

The Doom Chart for March 2017

Doom Chart

“But there was only that silence, as in the five or ten minutes before a vicious thundersquall strikes, when the purple heads stack up in the sky overhead and the light turns a queer purple-yellow and the wind dies completely and you can smell a thick aroma like overcharged car batteries in the air…” ~ Stephen King, It

It’s a fine and weird bunch. That congregation of heavy music fiends that send in their lists every month. Most of those lists differ so much that it really takes all of the lists to arrive before a final tally can be done. And as we wait for those list, the air, pregnant with anticipation, seems to shimmer and flicker through all the different possibilities. For some of us dwell on the dark side, the black, the malignent and the for ever praised doom. Others take to the psychedelics, the heavy blues and the stoner trek through a steamy desert landscape. But all of those heavy and underground albums are equally amazing and appreciated by all of us. There are once again eighteen new releases featured on this March edition of the Doom Chart. And it could have been about a hundred and eighty…

Can you imagine? A list that would go on and on. We would not have time to eat, drink and barely to breathe… But with such an amount and an end result of only twenty-five amazing albums on the list we publish there are a few that only just fell off. Like Bask and their Ramble Beyond album, Libido Fuzz and their A Guide Into Synesthesia or the self-titled Witchers Creed record. But hey, next month there will be a new edition of the Doom Chart. And everyone of those might just end up somewhere on that edition...

Welcome to Doom Charts, representing some of the finest bloggers, journalists, radio and podcasters and album reviewers from the doom-stoner underground around the globe. Each month, our critics submit their picks for the best new doom, sludge metal and stoner-psychedelic rock albums. The results are compiled and tabulated into the chart below. This is a one-stop shop for the best new albums in the world…

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