
dinsdag 11 november 2014

The Cover That Could – I

The Cover That Could – I

Karma To Burn – Twenty Four Hours

There is not much left of that old Karma To Burn spirit. Sure, the new incarnation sounds damn good. But it is not the same without Oswald and Mullins. And just think back to 1997 to that very first album by this legendary instrumental stonerrock-formation, it surprised friend and foe. Not just because of the amazing quality of the songs. But more because we were suddenly also treated to a singer. And ever since that moment the fans have been divided in two camps. Those who love that first album to death and believe it to be the best they ever released and those who dismiss that first one and think it should never have seen the light of day. Whatever side you are on, there is a cover version on the record, which might as well be judged as better than the original. Which is in part thanks to the last minutes added vocalist (ordered by the record company) Jason ‘J.J.’ Jarosz. The original song describes the endless and hopeless darkness that is beyond any form of depression. So many things to fight for; yet without any real meaning. Cause everything slips away anyway. Perfect bass lines that provide the melody and thus become the fantastic toy for the mighty Rich Mullins… Karma To Burn’s version of the Joy Division song Twenty Four Hours is better than the original!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Couldn't agree more. First time I heard it, I thought it was their song! It's a killer album and the lyrics are pretty good considering Rich wrote them the morning they started recording. Clearly, sometimes the drugs do work.

  2. Better than the original, I don't know if it's the point. But different, heavier and far more ass kicking, no doubt about it!
    Awesome songs.


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