
maandag 28 september 2020

zaterdag 26 september 2020

Places Around The Sun – Places Around The Sun


Places Around The Sun – Places Around The Sun
Self released / Dewar PR – 2020
Rock, Stoner,
Rated: ****

For a moment there… I thought my mind had snapped and that I actually believed I was listening to Queens of The Stone Age. I saw titles like Lullabies To Paralyze, Tangled Up In Plaid and The Blood Is Love and many more flashing bright neon red, floating right before my eyes and wondered if it was possible that this was an alternative reality in which different demos from that era made it unto the record. But then the room was quiet again and my mind wandered back into the here and now and I realized I had been listening to fourpiece Places Around The Sun from Lisbon, Portugal. A quartet that have managed to magnify and enlarge certain aspects of that Queens Of The Stone Age sound and ran with it. Shit, they ran the fucking marathon with it! But where that era of QOTSA retained a bit of a harsh, dangerous and gritty edge; Places Around The Sun have managed to make it all sound gentle, easy and warm without losing anything in energy and urgency. And don’t get me wrong here, that is exactly the kind of treatment we could use right about now. Not just because it might be what the world needs, but mostly because that this has not been done with the sound we all know and love so much to such a satisfying degree. Once this albums sinks its teeth in, you’re hooked and you will love every minute of it!

(Written by JK)



vrijdag 25 september 2020

Lord Loud - Timid Beast

Lord Loud - Timid Beast
King Volume Records / Kozmik Artifactz - September 2020
Garage, hard rock, psych
Rated: ****

From Van Nuys, California burst forth garage rock bruisers Lord Loud with their third release, Timid Beast. The two piece dole out cut after cut of stripped down, explosive riffs and relentless, rocksteady drums, like a melodic White Stripes that time traveled to the 70s. Amp shredding distortion coats the bluesy licks while hazy, drifting vocals provide a contrast to the abrupt stomp of the guitar. A Zeppelin influence is put to good use on tracks such as opener "Dirty Seeds" and follow-up "Without You", adding a funky touch to the hard-hitting riffs. The warped, tripped out solo of the latter is of special note as well, and adds a layer of weird to the duo's minimalist style. "Lady Sunday" takes an especially upbeat approach with a driving Hives-style attack and backing claps, and some tasty Hammond even lurks in the mix.   The vibe of Timid Beast flows smoothly between such raucous punk energy and a laid-back, bluesy style. After moving back and forth in mood across the tracks, the Californians sneak in "Turbulence", a surprise instrumental ballad of delicate strings that brings the party to a classy end. Not settling for just feel good garage rock, Lord Loud bring an explosive, melodic style to bear in Timid Beast, reminiscent of the White Stripes' debut years ago in its sheer in-your-face energy and independent spirit.

(Written by Shasta Beast)






dinsdag 22 september 2020

Kitchen Witch - Earth and Ether


Kitchen Witch - Earth and Ether
Self released - August 2020
Doom, desert, stoner
Rated: *****

Yet another entry from the Australian breeding ground of heavy, Kitchen Witch return with their latest LP "Earth and Ether" and immediately make a play for album of the year. Led by Georgie Cosson's standout bluesy vocals, the four piece craft a maddeningly catchy mix of desert, stoner, and doom with crunch to spare. Every track's beat is pushed forward by thudding drums and a grimy low end, but the real magic happens when Cosson's own vocal rhythms and riffs play off her bandmates' grooves. Her punchy delivery in "Cave of Mischief" multiplies the impact of  the tune's choppy attack, while her soaring, powerful pipes provide ominous shade over the creeping doom of "Sunrise". Kitchen Witch is far from a one weapon arsenal, however, churning out riff after riff in inventive takes on a range of heavy styles. Highlight "The Frontal Lobe" is an assault of high speed sludge, galloping along before laying down a brilliant break of abyssal low end and skittering noise, more in line with "extreme" metal. Closer "Many Moons" lives at the other end of the spectrum, trading an aggro approach for a laid-back jangle, though this too is eventually turned on its head for a winding riff from the book of Soundgarden. Kitchen Witch absorb into their distinctive groovy sound every style of heavy they set their sights on, and paired with Cosson's vocal prowess the result is an endlessly listenable record.

(Written by Shasta Beast)






maandag 21 september 2020

Back from Italy…


 Back from Italy…

Back from Italy, back from lovely Vernazza and the Cinque Terre region… But also from the lake district over there. Spent quite some lovely days around Lago Ledro. Where we did very little for a change, just some hiking, eating some lovely Italian foor and drank a whole lot of Italian wines! And ofcourse listened to all the Italian bands suggested by Stefano Maffioletti and Giorgio Sordato! I reckon it’s about time for a new Doomed And Stoned in Italy compilation! Featuring: P-Stones of Death, Ultracombo, A Forest Mighty Black, El Rojo, Mother Island, Jackie Treehorn Ave, Jahbulong and V Ʌ I L I X I! All of them exceptionally good! And ofcourse Black Elephant and the mighty Black Rainbows! I just wish we would have remembered Kayleth is from Vernona; it would have been grand to meet up with them when we were there! Next time I guess! For there will definitely be a next time!


Anyway, we’re back, ready for action and slowly everything will return to normal. Just like the rest of the world, we hope! Just remember, there are over 600 emails to go through for the HiVe mail alone. And countless others on other accounts. So, it might take some time before it really turns back to normal! Great to be back, but missing Italy like crazy already! 

Bella zio!

zaterdag 5 september 2020

Off to… do very little…

Off to… do very little…

Normally we would be flying to the waves around this time. But we’re not very comfortable with flying right now. So; we’re hopping in the car and driving over to Italy. Sure, we’ll hike, sit somewhere on a mountain top. But I guess most of the time will be spent just doing nothing… Reading a book… Watching the sunset and drinking some wine… Italy is supposed to have a decent amount of that… And ofcourse that awesome Black Rainbows album will be spinning on route to the boot and so will Black Elephant. If you have any more new Italian releases we need to take with us;  do not hesitate to let us know! Thanks in advance! 

Bella zio! Seeya in a week or two!

Celladoor – Maktub

Celladoor – Maktub
Self released – 2020
Rock, Grunge, Stoner
Rated: ****

Maktub. It happens as is written. It used to be one of the many monikers I used when I was just a little scriptkiddy doing annoying stuff on the internet back around the early nineties. I got it from the The Alchemist book by Paulo Coelho. I wonder where they got it from? Anyway, not only did the title from the album transport me back to the nineties. So does the sound of Celladoor. It will evoke visions of Nirvana or even Kurt Cobain, but never in a bad way and you realize that it isn’t a bad thing at all. Those visions. Cause the sound is hearty, it will fill you. It doesn’t necessarily try to emulate or sound like the grunge giants, in fact they just take that grunge sound and improve on it. Celladoor’s Maktub seems designed to rekindle your love for grunge. It will bring you even more than that, cause there is that stoner element, that hardrock element and even some punk. But the most important thing perhaps is the simple fact that you just can’t help but admire the outcome, there is something very wholesome about the entire album. You just can’t help but feel fulfilled when listening to Maktub. As if you are finally listening to something coming full circle; or an ouroboros biting it’s own tail. Or a story reaching its poetic and righteous end. Indeed, it happens as it is written and that’s how the Celladoor closes.

(Written by JK)

Motorpsycho – The All Is One

Motorpsycho – The All Is One
Stickman Records / Rune Grammofon – 2020
Rock, Prog
Rated: *****

Almost all of the Motorpsycho albums have always been one long trip; filled with tension arcs that demand exploration, devotion and adoration. The new record The All Is One is no different and probably takes it all to the next level. The Norwegian trio just keeps on delivering records, double albums and EP’s that stagger the imagination with the sheer amount of creativity and musicality displayed. They seem to have an unending hunger for creating and what’s so amazing is that in the odd thirty years they have been around and the almost twenty-five albums they delivered, there is not a bad one between them. The All Is One is the final piece in a trilogy that started with The Tower back in 2017. Filled with long winded yet highly entertaining jams, rock tracks that have this intense pop side and rock that shimmies up against folk and prog. The biggest effort though is heard in a piece of art, a five pieces, piece of art. Five pieces make up the ending N.O.X section and gives us forty minutes of brilliant prog rock and a multitude of melodic themes. Fresh and vital sounding meandering sections of strings and almost otherworldly compositions, sounding so effortlessly and so unabashedly musical and precise. And unendingly inspirational; it will make you dream and it will make you want to create…

(Written by JK)

donderdag 3 september 2020

Redeye Caravan - Nostrum Remedium

Redeye Caravan - Nostrum Remedium
Self released - January 2020
Western, country, folk
Rated: ****

Greece's Redeye Caravan immediately stand out from the crowd with their unique debut concept album, Nostrum Remedium. Fully embracing a spaghetti Western aesthetic, the traveling caravan of band members tell strange and haunting tales of a weird Old West. Twanging guitar, harmonica, violin, and plenty of slide conjure up images of dry, dusty trails from the cowboy sagas of old. The group vocals and tambourine bring to life the chain gang trudge of "El Muerto", while "Ozymandias" delivers raw old timey strings and plinking keys straight from the local tavern. The track's even introduced by grainy static, which has to be assumed is from the rusty gramophone behind the bar. Highlight cut "Marie Celeste" is one of the most dynamic on the album, building off chants of "row" over splashing paddles to tell a tale of doomed men. The wailing harmonica and bouncing keys create a deceivingly warm sound that's cleverly upturned by the chorus's dramatic stomp. Bursts of strings mimic the chorus vocals' rhythm, as  the song's subjects are lyrically damned to "lose their souls". Nostrum Remedium is a very niche album in both concept and genre, but the commitment to world building and atmosphere by Redeye Caravan is total, and a no brainer for listeners looking for just this kind of dusty ride.

(Written by Shasta Beast)

Blues Pills – Holy Moly!

Blues Pills – Holy Moly!
Nuclear Blast – 2020
Rock, Hard, Blues, Seventies
Rated: ****

Holy Moly! He exclaimed with great relish! The Blues Pills four have done it again! Their earlier records were already right there where you need the blues to be. Right there in that golden seventies era! But on their new one they have decided to dispense with all those psychedelic meanderings and dived straight into the hard rocking blues! For that is what we are served when we get a taste of the Holy Moly! Soft almost slumbering blues and hard trucking diesel blues rock. Do we miss those psychedelic touches? Not when the tracks are as gorgeous and powerful as the ones featured on Holy Moly! And when you have such a powerhouse of a woman in the name of Elin Larsson wreaking havoc, there is simply no escaping the simple fact that Blues Pills are a force to be reckoned with. They simply perfected the push and pull of the bluesy ocean, leaving you thirsting for the subdued when the powerful is there and the other way around, implemented some garage rocking gale and destroys every option of calling this a retro band.Blues Pills are back and ready to kick some ass!

(Written by JK)

Black Elephant – Seven Swords

Black Elephant – Seven Swords
Small Stone Records – 2020
Rock, Blues, Stoner, Fuzz
Rated: ****

We promised and wanted to write something righteous about Black Elephant’s new record for the Doom Charts. But were suddenly thrust into the arms of a local singer for an interview. So we only had time to type a few quick words in a frenzy for the Doom Chart blurb: Seven Swords by Italian quartet Black Elephant has everything to become the soundtrack to your perfect car-ride, movie, book, apocalypse or whatever is in need for a perfect soundtrack. It meanders from all out hard rocking fuzz to cosmic blues and stoner, even touching base with the godfathers of it all in the track Red Sun And Blues Sun. It’s all there and then some! Colorful and cinematic, psychedelic and powerful, heavy and hard! With a fabled amount of fuzz; an amount that will ring on forever and into legend! The world's ending anyway. You might as well have some fun with it!

(Written by JK)



Small Stone Records

woensdag 2 september 2020

The Doom Chart for August 2020

Doom Charts
    “We must become so alone, so utterly alone, that we withdraw into our innermost self. It is a way of bitter suffering. But then our solitude is overcome, we are no longer alone … And suddenly we find ourselves in the midst of the world, yet undisturbed by its multiplicity, for our innermost soul we know ourselves to be one with all being.” ~ Hermann Hesse

… our huge world has shrunk to the size of a pea! Our social contacts are limited to a cool “one square meter distance ritual”! Our bathroom mirror meets us daily as our only friend! We crave for variety in shimmering colors, while we put the oil sardine tin in the metal bent shopping cart! … The self-made hermit goes home frightened! – alone… alone? … alone with ourselves? Ey, a grinning monster sits on our shoulder and gloatingly whispers in our ear: “You are alone with your thoughts, your feelings, with the fears of your soul and there is no escape, mate!“ And this mean monster is exactly the one we fear most, isn’t it? All these years we have made the greatest effort to cloud the view of this monster with the razor-sharp eyes, with journeys around the world, social activities and escape into everything that could distract us!

And now we crumble, under it’s gaze to sawdust, because we CANNOT FLEE!!

Dude, knock the dust out of your self-cut hair and shake the sawdust out of your bulging pockets! You are not alone! You have a friend, the monster with the razor-sharp eyes! Take on the wild ride with your new stranger friend, dude and spit with it neon-colored ash rain on this pea world! ~ Mel Lie & Her Monster

Mel Lie and Her Monster… I want to meet them both even more now! Ye gods, what a screed! Crazy, wicked, wild and poetic! Just like those albums on the new August edition of the Doom Charts! All of them are equally stunning; but personal favorite at this moment in time are the deserved Numero Uno: Psychlona! Man, what an album! But we’ve been getting crazy on the new Motorpsycho, Hydra, Black Elephant, Blues Pills, Kitchen Witch, Temple, The Atomic Bitchwax and Volcanova! Volcanova and their Radical Waves album will surely end up higher next month! But hey; it’s just the tip of the heavy rock ice berg! There is even more awesomeness out there!

Welcome to Doom Charts, representing some of the finest bloggers, journalists, radio, podcasters and album reviewers from the heavy underground around the globe.  Each month, our critics submit their picks for the best new doom, sludge metal, stoner-psychedelic and heavy rock albums.  The results are compiled and tabulated into the chart below.  This is a one-stop shop for the best new albums in the world…

dinsdag 1 september 2020

Guitars On Drugs - Heavy Vibes

Guitars On Drugs - Heavy Vibes
Self released - August 2020
Funk, 70's, A Quinn Martin Production
Rated: ****

Our resident curator of all that's Punk and Proletariat, Tony Maim, has delivered an absolute screamer of a soundtrack! Heavy  Vibes! Under the moniker Guitars On Drugs! 70's 'Shaft' meets 'Quinn Martin' in a Car Wash in Detroit with a healthy dollop of Funkadelic oozing through the mix like a cranberry drizzle! This is the music the Pizza Man always appears in during those dodgy porn flicks from the 70's... think Pornalicious or sleazy Afrobeat and you're there, downing a J&C with Huggy Bear and dodging the Feds! This is the sights, smells and sounds of "The Streets of San Francisco" expertly exported to The Streets of London... About as Ghetto as it gets! Brilliant!

(Written by Reek of STOOM)